The online racing simulator
Juiced 2 (LAAAME)
(24 posts, started )
Juiced 2 (LAAAME)
Hahahah just think about the name i start laughing sorry, start by watching the promo ... ;mode=related&search= gameplay videos etc on related column,i allready did my own review on another forum but i want to see peoples reaction without influence (except for the LAME on thread's name)

Flame wars starts in

#2 - JTbo
Umm, rice neon arcade crap that is created to get money out from 12 years old kid pockets?

They make what sells, can't blame from that, too bad we get even more kids that really think that putting bigger wheels and more neons will make car faster

I think that first Juiced was quite badly made anyway, can't see why it would been improved for this second version as I guess first sold pretty well.
It's got REAL CARS!!!!111

Who can resist that?

I can, after having played the first one. If anyone would like to prove that REAL CARS != awesome experience then they just need to play Juiced...

Well, the dyno part was kinda cool.
Actually, I liked the first part more than the NFS:U series, because the driving physics were challenging for high powered rwds.

But then, that don't mean it was a good game actually
Good D'n'B tune, shame about the game really...
LOL..I thought that Rice (FnF) peak was way behind, and were not gonna see much more of those games...but Looks like somebody thought "Hmmm...Ricing is out, so we're going to be the only ricer game on the market!"
honestly, I see this is some sort of Tokyo Drift game, and as a self respecting drifter I would rather play GT4... (if there was no LFS around)
If im right and it is juiced 2 then it has got some nice models of the eiffel tower and the millenium eye in it
Well atleast it got cockpit view.
Quote from ColeusRattus :Actually, I liked the first part more than the NFS:U series, because the driving physics were challenging for high powered rwds.

But then, that don't mean it was a good game actually

It was said to have quite good physics, but it didn't have... Better than NfS:U-series, but that isn't hard to beat physics-wise... Gave it a shot, but was rather disappointed and soon bored with it... After that, it just sat with all the other disappointments on the shelve gathering dust...
The physics were terrible. You could chuck a car round any corner with any amount of speed and make it. Also any sort of power and you could wheelspin in 5th/6th etc.
In a word: terrible.
sounds like ridge racer (?) on the xbox 360. great to look at, but not much fun to interact with.
Quote from glyphon :sounds like ridge racer (?) on the xbox 360. great to look at, but not much fun to interact with.

Rige racer has traditional Arcade style (the one we liked to play in the mall early 90's)
hmm, is it just me or is it so that now every new arcade race game is about drifting? lol i just bought the FnF Tokyo Drift game, its fun but very unrealistic
Quote from Slidaaaa :Hahahah just think about the name i start laughing sorry, start by watching the promo ... ;mode=related&search= gameplay videos etc on related column,i allready did my own review on another forum but i want to see peoples reaction without influence (except for the LAME on thread's name)

Flame wars starts in


NFS Copy anyone?
Quote from squidhead :ewwww

i was bored and cause i leave next to the GameMania (belguim and holland) i walked in and out with a game xD
By 100% better, do you mean they say you can now corner at 300mph instead of the more usual 150mph?
Quote from Rtsbasic :By 100% better, do you mean they say you can now corner at 300mph instead of the more usual 150mph?

not only - you can slide your car into a hairpin at those speeds!
lol at the jumps!
This is a black period in the gaming industries. Even fun fames like GTA or Driver (I find them fun because of the free roaming feature) don't escape from tuning (ricing). I played Juiced a few times, I would only buy it because my gf likes it so we can play together, but even for that reason I couldn't get myself to buy it.
Believe it or not, as much as i hate arcade physic racing games (not GTA, but onces that are supposed to be racing), i actualy had a lot of fun with NFSU2 and the first juiced. NFSU 1 was just lame, and so was most wanted. I didnt even bother with carbon.

I like NFSU2 because of the level of freedome to drive from highways, to mountain passes, to streets with intersections. Whats annoying is the fact that the physics suck, you HAVE to rice your car to complete the game, and in free run mode, theres always annoying speeding ricers around, that you cant get rid of.

What i like doing in the game for some reason, when i feel like escaping reality is setting up the DFP to the PS2, and just driving a bone stock S13 through the mountain pass in that game. If you drive bone stock cars, its not TOO bad, but its still bad. Selection of cars wasnt bad either.

Juiced, idk why i liked it... you didnt have to rice your car, and there was actualy a lot of fun things you could do with the game, and it was pretty relaxing.

Whats sad however, is that now every new racing game has to be either about being a dorifto master, or being a street racer, and ricing out your car. Its a shame.

Racing games used to be for either enthusiasts, or people who just wanted to have fun racing. Now its focused on 12 year olds, and immature 18 year olds who watch FnF, and want to be a street racer, and fly through streets at 700 mph. I dont see the fun in that?

At first i wished TDU was more "normal" cars than exotics, but now im kinda glad that theres a lot of exotics, because with normal cars, there would probably be RICE. Every freaking car video game now has to include an option to rice your car. Take San andreas for an example. Thats not even really a car game, but you can still take your car to shops, and add big mufflers, wings, bodykits, and hood and roof scoops. Sure its fun to be able to make a fun offroading truck, or take a beater car and make it look clean, but like... the rice?

We should all sue the fast and the furious company. Whos with me?
I actually really did enjoy NFS:U2 despite the crappy physics. While they weren't in any way realistic, they were at least drivable and fun. I'm not a fan of rice at all, but there were actually a couple bodykits that looked okay on some of the cars, but most of them I left stock.

The free roam part is what I loved so much, but that's been completely replaced by TDU, which I'm so glad to see has proper supercars and NO BODYKITS! Lol, and with hardcore mode, the physics are way better than Underground.

Juiced 2 (LAAAME)
(24 posts, started )