Or... get a part time job *shock horror*.
There is always a way to buy something if you need it. Before my bank gave me a new debit card (because I wasn't making x ammount of cash a year) I just gave my parents cash, and they'd buy all my stuff for me. If I was strapped for cash, I'd go around fixing peoples computers for cash (doing that made me £500 in one week
But I had to stop, the stress from mongaloids was getting to me, if one more person asked me to fix a computer because they was an idiot I'd have gone on a shooting rampage).
Hell, I even babysat for my sister once and got a smooth £15 for playing Warcraft III with my nephew for 4 hours (But I didn't like that. He's 8 [I think] and he kicked my arse >.<). There are so many ways to make money and pay for a game. And really, if you're that strapped for cash... you wouldn't have a computer nor the interweb.
And I wasn't some rich snotty kid who got everything. Everything in my room right now (bar a mug and a phone, and a couple of other birthday/christmas presents, and the junk the uni puts in, like beds and stuff) I paid for with my own cash, I worked hard as hell to get it. But in the end I did. Then it feels so much better when you get it as you hit a goal. Like saving for my sound system (£105 for 2.1 Creative Megaworks), damn was a glad when I hit that goal.