And its still worth every penny Todd.
Out of interest, are you guys aware that your early-ish testers still have the 1yr unlimited licence? im pretty sure i did the last time i looked although seeing as i spent 6mth with a dodgy USB lead and only got it fixed when spotting Peter in Turin back in June... and how come its always him im seeing and never you?
Thats probably why i think its worth every penny though
Still got 1yr old tracks ive not used though (3 of the 4 that came out with Halifax got a few laps, Heemstade, Messina and [insert other] around same time) as although i wasnt bad with kb it lost its main appeal.
As for the line about RC folk being used to that for a weekends racing, thats true, but can you imagine how much it'd cost to get to do what LFS Simulates in real life, makes £36 (which is pretty much what every game is released around in the UK, £30-40) a bargin, and i'd bet 90% of the people playing LFS have played this more than pretty much every other game they've bought, probably only comparable to the likes of maybe quake/wow/css/gpl level of game where you've gone back time after time without it losing the appeal most games do after a month or so.
Personally i wouldnt have a problem paying for additional content, provided it wasnt done at the expense of normal progress. If it ment hiring an additional person to either share the building of car/track models or the new guy handled the lot, couldnt give a hoot (within reason). I've never had a problem with paying for additional content, provided its value for money, and anyone that says LFS isnt worth what they've paid or twice that is pretty tightfisted (whether thats what some have been getting at or not) but it does seem fairly obvious that they're going to do this as a 3 man team and it'll be finished when they feel like it.
So, i'd pay for additional content provided progress wasnt harmed by this, but dont see paying any sum of money would speed things up because they clearly dont care about any time-line, they want to do it their way under their control.
It wouldnt suprise me if theres very few of the pre-S1 folk still playing by the time LFS developement stops, i'd put money on S3 final for 2010 at the earliest.