The online racing simulator
Quote :Just watch out when you see the new InSim.txt because some of the new packets from the last InSim.txt might change in size. For example I plan to make the new IS_PIT packet 4 bytes bigger so there is a Tyre Compound for each wheel.

No problemo Scawen, the main thing is that i've got the logic and actions that interpret the packet in place, changing which bytes on the stream correspond to which value is pretty easy with the way my code is structured. I just have to wait to find out if it works now, logically - it all 'appears' correct ... but we shall see.
Quote from Scawen :In IS_NPL I hope to add SkinName[16] and TyreCompound[4].
In IS_LAP I hope to add NumberOfPitStops[1] and PlayerFlags[2].

Nothing's definite until I have a look (the same goes for the shifter thing - I don't know what info is available and I'm too tired to look this evening).

Sounds good

EDIT: One idea came in my mind wich makes everything a bit easier.
Whats with a lap number in all new packets (word)?
Just so you know, I can't do the shifter and axis clutch flags in this version as that change to player flags would put the versions out of sync. It is on my list for the multiplayer incompatible version.

I have managed to do most of the other requests, I think. But you will be the judges of that. I expect to post an updated InSim.txt here later today. The PIT (pit stop start) packet is only sent for V3 guests but is fully functional with todays changes (and does include the tyre compounds if they are changed). And yes, they are sent in the NPL as well.
Quote from Scawen :Just so you know, I can't do the shifter and axis clutch flags in this version as that change to player flags would put the versions out of sync. It is on my list for the multiplayer incompatible version.

I'm bummed that they're not going to make it into V3, but completely understand. It's great just to know that it will happen eventually. Thank you. Thanks not only for listening to your customers, but for even going so far as to ask them what they need. Very few developers go to such lengths and it's so refreshing to see.

I'm really looking forward to V3, but I really can't wait to see what you guys have up your sleeves for the following patch.
Updated InSim.txt
Here are the updates so far. I'm getting very close to V3, which I'd like to release tomorrow.

You can see all the new packets by searching for NEW!

Changes are listed near the start of the file. Please let me know of any problems with them.

Take a good look at the FIN and RES packets as well, make sure the notes make sense.

[ EDIT : here's another update : ]
Awesome Scawen. That looks more then good Thanks for all you did again for us.

I have some notes for insim.txt.

1. The top line shows the wrong version
2. For IS_RES you wrote that resultNumber is 255 in qualification if the position won´t added. Does that mean if I drive a worse time then before and my position isn´t better it now shows 255? I know that was strange before and I tested myselv if the time was better.

One question at least. If a flag gone off, does in this packages flag shows the right color (from the flag wich was cleared).
And one last request, could you add a time also to this wich is only need in the situation of an flag cleared use of this package?
So that we could analyze the reaction of players to those situations.

Thanks again, I´m very happy with this now
Thanks Scawen. Really great work
Now I can even make better stats for the austrian championship
got a bit of a problem with the pitstop flags. could someone explain them?

PSE_FR_DAM Front Right damage?
PSE_FR_WHL Front Right Wheel changed?
PSE_LE_FR_DAM What do LE and RE mean?

It's quite obviously FR = front, RE = rear, LE = left, RI = right.
Quote from hackerx :It's quite obviously FR = front, RE = rear, LE = left, RI = right.

you enlighted me^^ Thanks
Quote from CLRS530 :1. The top line shows the wrong version

OK thanks. I've fixed that and also added some Pit Lane information in a new packet. See attached file.

Quote from CLRS530 :2. For IS_RES you wrote that resultNumber is 255 in qualification if the position won´t added. Does that mean if I drive a worse time then before and my position isn´t better it now shows 255?

Yes. Previously it showed 0, now it shows 255 (if it's a worse time and LFS will ignore it).

Quote from CLRS530 :If a flag gone off, does in this packages flag shows the right color (from the flag wich was cleared).

Yes, it should show yelllow off if you aren't sitting in a dangerous position any more, and blue off if you aren't obstructing a faster racer any more.

Quote from CLRS530 :And one last request, could you add a time also to this wich is only need in the situation of an flag cleared use of this package?
So that we could analyze the reaction of players to those situations.

I would prefer not to add another timer. These flags will always come in pairs (on then off at a later time) so you can time it yourself.
Attached files
InSim.txt - 34.4 KB - 747 views
A very useful data byte for the blue flag packet is which car is being obstructed, otherwise one blue flag could merge to another and the possibilities of having this data will be reduced.*

*EDIT: I cede it is possible to calculate which car via NPL/MCI - but that can be innacurate with the 8 cars per packet being overlapped or slightly out of sync. A timing issue which LFS doesnt need to worry about courtesy of its excellent timing correction data.
I agree that would be good. I've looked in the code and unfortunately cannot add that in a compatible version. So I've added it to my notes to look at that in a multiplayer incompatible version. At least there is space so that byte could be added in a compatible way to that InSim packet.
Small bug?: This may be my error, but as far as I can see the MCI packet is sending %11111111 11111111 for the finishLine() node on Fe1 and Bl1 where i've been testing. I dont know if this is for all tracks, but i've spent some time on this and I really dont see the error in anything i've done - although i'd quite happily accept i've had a blonde moment(s).
Am I wrong or sends the RES package now everytime resultnumber 255?
I capture the IS_RES package like before surely I changed the struct.

Can someone confirm this?

Example: drove one lap with BF1 in single and multiplayer on Kyoto ring normal.
Becky : I cannot reproduce that. FinishLine and NumNodes seem fine to me. I didn't change MCI at all.

CLRS530 : Yes I am sorry about that, you should be getting FIN then RES but I put the wrong header and your RES packet is named FIN and your FIN packet is named RES.

I have done some other fixes and I will upload the fix in the test patch forum. It might take up to half an hour as I don't want to make any mistakes.
Thank you Scawen, I will return to bashing my head against a brick wall to find the error in my code then

I spotted the RES FIN thing too and swapped it over, I guess i'll be swapping back again
Quote from Scawen :Becky : I cannot reproduce that. FinishLine and NumNodes seem fine to me. I didn't change MCI at all.

CLRS530 : Yes I am sorry about that, you should be getting FIN then RES but I put the wrong header and your RES packet is named FIN and your FIN packet is named RES.

I have done some other fixes and I will upload the fix in the test patch forum. It might take up to half an hour as I don't want to make any mistakes.

Ah ok thanks. I´m not so fast in saying it´s a bug, because I was too often wrong and at least it was my fault
Hi Scawen I now nearly finished implementing the pit stop feature. It works well now

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<LFSSSTATS output="1.50" program="1.60" readflags="0">

( Scroll down for pit data )

And is it right that the PSF package won´t be sent yet? I got no breakpoint there.
I know you said that it works only in a incompatible version, but you wrote nothing before release and insim.txt says it should be send upon V3
Yes you are right. I am sorry, in my changes last night fixing the OOS bug, I forgot to update one line and so I broke the PSF send - and it sends a wrong PLA instead. I'm continuing to work today so should get a fix out quite soon. I'm not sure exactly when but please report any issues you find.
fine today is my birthday so I won´t do too much. Tomorrow I´m going to include Flag and penalty so I will see if everything else is working for me
Happy birthday!
Hi Scawen,

first thank you

I now implemented nearly every new information:

- a counter for the flags (works)
- a list of takeovers (test now)
- a list of changed playerflags (seems to work but total test now)
- a list of pit stops (works)
- a list of penalties

So I used all packages beside the enter pit lane, but I send the verifyid back for all without getting a warning.

You did a good job, there is no problem for me. But you could write into insim.txt that player flag will be sent only on changes and not at beginning (thats good in my opinion)
Here again, I found a possible bug?

I tried a 25h race replay made with U (I think) it runs well but I don´t get PIT or TOC (maybe some others not also). But I get The yellow and blue flag package
That's because the internal flag packets already existed before V. But the PIT and TOC InSim Packets rely on new internal packets specially made for this purpose, and they don't exist in your replay because it was made with an old version. So... not a bug
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