The online racing simulator
Moo Racing
(499 posts, started )
You can only blame yourself for living in a completely different timezone.
lol owned.
if you wanna lift the 5k miles i wanna join lol
We have kind of lifted the 5k thing.

But, I'm afraid our team is full at the moment.

Sorry my friend.
I hear, sketchy, that you joined/want to join [DWLYTS]?
You better pay me fresh cocoa milk for this...


BUT !!!!! *trundle*, IGTC is soon upon us. Yesh i've been doing late night testing .

After driving my ass off for basically 1 hour im veerrry tired.. so ... enjoy,

Edit : uploaded a more longer endurance with the set with the tyres
Attached files
Moo testing.mpr - 1.6 MB - 155 views
endurance 2.mpr - 1.5 MB - 161 views
I have a set with tyres that SHOULD last at least to the half hour mark (19 laps). Next time I'm on, you can try that.
You doooooooooooooontttttttttt
#211 - Ast
Good work Jamie
I would give it a go but this week is going to be murder with my A Level C/W Deadlines

So, who's in for Thursday night?
#213 - Ast
7pm, you all better be there.
Cant make it tonight guys!

Many apologise. Will be there next week as per usual.
(shock) only like, 4 of us showed up
Well, now that Dan has finished the website...

I now have to kick him in the arse about setting up a forum
He say hes making it from scratch, which means he has to make skins, and do all the other crap :|
Skins? Who said anything about making skins for the forum? I've already got the basic layout. It shouldn't take longer than about 4 hours to do but I'll probably only get about 20 minutes on it each night until the easter holidays now. They're only a week away so I'll have plenty of time then.
Typical Daniel, has to do things the hard way.

Serisously though mate, much repsect for making your own forum at the age of 15, and all the other things you have done at such a young age
Yeah, have a cookie and some milk.

j00 goT. mo0 sk1LLz

I cant event do webpages *bows to danny*
Danny! it still says that im from Netherlands but im from !
#223 - Ast
3 people
Niko, I don't know why you're boasting. It was a short race on a small track with UF1s and IIRC I wasn't far behind you.

Moo Racing
(499 posts, started )