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Temporarly VW Touareg
Hmmm, well i just turned 15 but i already know exactly what i want, and ive been learning about it for about a full year now.

Im getting (and still saving up for) an S14 240sx, which is the silvia, and 200sx for you guys that might call it a different name because of the engine. I want black really really bad, but black is soooo rare on a zenki (cant afford, kinda dont want the kouki). So ill probly end up getting red or green.

If for whatever reason, i cant get my zenki s14, then my backup plan is either a red or black Chuki S13 hatchback, or an FC (xrt :razz. FC, i dont really care, but id prefer red or black.

Oh, and if i had to, i wouldnt mind an FD either =P

Heres the eye candy. Not the best some of them are good photos themselves, some arent, i just chose the ones that showed what the car looked like the best.
Attached images
Certainly not the fastest in a straight line... but handles beautifully... and will PWN anything in the snow, or off-road...
Attached images
My ride is Chrysler Neon LE -1995. It was quite cheap (2200€ -> In Finland that means cheap ) , but its my first own car. I like it!
Here's my car, it got a few dents, found out about a new dent few weeks ago. I'm not very happy about it, but if I need to get it fixed I might aswell get a new car:

Here it is - This is officially the worst car in the world, it's only got 89hp, no torque what so ever, and all the power is a fraction of a second before the revlimited cuts in anyway so you can't even really use it.

It weighs 1.85 tonnes, cost £500, comes with Traction Control, that only cuts in if you're belting the gas on an icy rounderbout, when all 89hp might just about get the inside wheel to go ever so slightly awry on the iced white road markings, ABS that comes on far too soon, an electronic stability problem that I've had to hack the control box for and replace some capacitors so it cuts in later, wheels that are so wide that it follows any road markings religiously, and an engine that sounds something like a sewing machine.

Generally speaking, it is simply one big joke.

Quote from z3r0c00l :Here it is - This is officially the worst car in the world, it's only got 89hp, no torque what so ever, and all the power is a fraction of a second before the revlimited cuts in anyway so you can't even really use it.

It weighs 1.85 tonnes, cost £500, comes with Traction Control, that only cuts in if you're belting the gas on an icy rounderbout, when all 89hp might just about get the inside wheel to go ever so slightly awry on the iced white road markings, ABS that comes on far too soon, an electronic stability problem that I've had to hack the control box for and replace some capacitors so it cuts in later, wheels that are so wide that it follows any road markings religiously, and an engine that sounds something like a sewing machine.

Generally speaking, it is simply one big joke.

Dude, my car has 60HP, doesn't even have ABS, I can't open the damn trunk without cutting off the engine because I need the key (today I figured out what the bad side of that is). And my tyres are tiny and it's a diesel-holic. I can go to 5000 rpm though, but when I do that in first gear people behind me think it's a foggy day.. Power comes on at 2500 rpm.
Quote from z3r0c00l :Here it is - This is officially the worst car in the world, it's only got 89hp, no torque what so ever, and all the power is a fraction of a second before the revlimited cuts in anyway so you can't even really use it.

It weighs 1.85 tonnes, cost £500, comes with Traction Control, that only cuts in if you're belting the gas on an icy rounderbout, when all 89hp might just about get the inside wheel to go ever so slightly awry on the iced white road markings, ABS that comes on far too soon, an electronic stability problem that I've had to hack the control box for and replace some capacitors so it cuts in later, wheels that are so wide that it follows any road markings religiously, and an engine that sounds something like a sewing machine.

Generally speaking, it is simply one big joke.

Looks like a pretty bloody tidy motor for £500 mate
Quote from z3r0c00l :Here it is - This is officially the worst car in the world, it's only got 89hp, no torque what so ever, and all the power is a fraction of a second before the revlimited cuts in anyway so you can't even really use it.

Generally speaking, it is simply one big joke.

Then why did you buy it?
When reading posts above my car feels winner, 130hp (with megasquirt installed) and RWD with weight around 1.1 tonne so not too much. Now only 100hp as back to carb, feels so slow
Oh yea, I forgot, one thing on plus side of my car, power versus weight, it only weighs about a ton.
My car weights about 1300kg and it have 133hp. 0-100 less than 9s.
Quote from Mijk-Guest :My car weights about 1300kg and it have 133hp. 0-100 less than 9s.

My engine sucks, so mine should go from 0-100 in 17 seconds! Wooooow

Im getting either a 1.2 sxi Corsa or a 1.4 sri, depending on funds. unlimited i'd have a dark silver Fiat panda 100hp.

And..... its not what you drive, its HOW you drive tristan *cough*..*yawn*
Quote from S14 DRIFT :

Im getting either a 1.2 sxi Corsa or a 1.4 sri, depending on funds. unlimited i'd have a dark silver Fiat panda 100hp.

And..... its not what you drive, its HOW you drive tristan *cough*..*yawn*

GET A F***ING S14 you n00bert!
Quote from Sketchyrollin564 :GET A F***ING S14 you n00bert!


S14's arent expensive at all, and neither is the insurance. You might as well just change your name to "Corsa FWD drift" while your at it...
Quote from Sketchyrollin564 :S14's arent expensive at all, and neither is the insurance. You might as well just change your name to "Corsa FWD drift" while your at it...

You realised he lives in the UK, right? May I suggest looking up insurance ratings for the UK before you make a fool of yourself?
(Vain) DELETED by Vain
Quote from Sketchyrollin564 :S14's arent expensive at all, and neither is the insurance. You might as well just change your name to "Corsa FWD drift" while your at it...

to Insure a Mini, from 1991, if i were 17 today would cost me £1972 per year.

For my Dad's Vauxhall Omega it's £8,000

Check your facts first
Quote from Jakg :to Insure a Mini, from 1991, if i were 17 today would cost me £1972 per year.

For my Dad's Vauxhall Omega it's £8,000

Check your facts first

I wanna see you in a pink mini
Quote from bbman :You realised he lives in the UK, right? May I suggest looking up insurance ratings for the UK before you make a fool of yourself?

So true, insurance prices in UK are something out from this world, specially for new drivers

I would need to pay around 500 here for a year, but as I have pretty long no claims it is around 280 or so now, haven't checked latest but it was bit below 300.

Of course you pay here for each car that you own...
While yes, i was unaware of the fact that UK insurance prices were incredibly high, this is also a little inside joke weve had going for a while now.
Quote from jamesrowe :I wanna see you in a pink mini

i want a little Frog-Eyed Sprite as my first car, and if it ends up being a crappy 80's Polo then so be it, i'll just "rice" it with cardboard-fibre
Bought another one

See pics here

No, I don't have mental problems, just needed diesel car and that one has AC and 6 cylinder diesel engine
Quote from Jakg :to Insure a Mini, from 1991, if i were 17 today would cost me £1972 per year.

For my Dad's Vauxhall Omega it's £8,000

Check your facts first

Better change who you wish to insure with Jakg.

For me (a 17 year old) to insure a 1996 BMW 316i its £1400.

Still overly priced. Darn Blair!!
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Post your Car!
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