Changing AA / AF on a . . .
(9 posts, started )
Changing AA / AF on a . . .

Wondering if anyone can help me in changing the AA and AF on my ATI Radeon 9250 256MB SE.

I cant find the setting anywhere in the Display propeties, and really want to change it.

Thanks in advance

Well, even if you could turn them on games would propably run _really_ slow. No offence, but it is a rather low-end card for AA and AF usage unless you run games on really low resolution. Anyway, if you want to try you can find the AA and AF settings in the "3D" tab (see attachment).
Attached images
maybe i have old drivers installed, as i dont have that.

I know its a low end graphics card, but going to swap pc in the next year, so going to get one then
#4 - Mapsa
Well, it might help that you get Omega drivers cause I didn't have either that menu with orig. drivers. With omega I could put AA on/off as I wanted.
You can also download the ATI Control Center separately. Also Radlinker I think, would have AA/AF options for older drivers as well. I had a 9250 in the old computer and I don't think I could run AA/AF. Frames would drop down too much to race with.
where can i change mine????? is in spanish, sorry. The graphics are the best in LFS and VIDEO CARD (quality). Is a GeForce 5200 128mb

#7 - Davo
Configuracion de lineas would be AA and AF is flitro antisotropico. Which it looks like both are set to 8x. So it should be enabled in lfs, dunno why it's not working.
thanks davo. What means "Forzar mipmaps"?, when i change it, i have 2 options (bilineal and trilineal)
#9 - pik_d
Trilinear (trilineal) filtering will provide smooth blending between mipmaps (pre-optimized bitmap images) whereas Bilinear (bilineal) will have harsh, obvious distinctions between the mipmaps. Bilinear will give better FPS, while trilinear will look better.

Changing AA / AF on a . . .
(9 posts, started )