Does G25 work in Vista?
(7 posts, started )
Does G25 work in Vista?
Does anyone know if lfs is fully compatable with vista, and will my G25 have full ffb or not, cant seem to find a straight answer, need to buy an os now and dont know whether to go xp or vista?
#2 - Jakg
LFS works fully in Vista, yes
A friend of mine has Vista and a G25 and has no problems at all.
G25 works great with full feedback.
thanks for quick replies, can you confirm with your friend before i put the dollars down, couldn't stand no ffb. Thanks again....

I know logitech are planning an update as wingman doesnt work with vista, makes me nervous...
Yes, I have had it running with no issue's whatsoever, it actually worked as soon as vista booted in, no drivers, but I think I had to install the drivers before the FFB kicked in
#6 - kompa
I got LFS & G25 working fully on Vista x32 (tried x64 as well), no problems at all.
thank you all, i feel better now

Does G25 work in Vista?
(7 posts, started )