Poll : Would you like to see a "force setup" option in a future patch?

YES!!!, would be great! Everyone would have 100% the same carsetup, could be fun & close racing!
NO!!! it's not realistic, it's fun to tune your carsetup!
#1 - JeDa
New option: Force default setup, what do you think?
Don't know if this has been asked before, but I was thinking if it would be a good idea to have an option on a server which forces a specific car setup. This way everbody would be forced to use the same carsetup which could be interesting for some close racing

Also, I don't have as much free time as I wish for finetuning a setup, so I mostly use the default setups, so I don't have a change in winning some races....

I know it's not realistic but it could be fun! What do you think?

Just to make sure:
I'm NOT asking to disable the great carsetup features of this sim, just to ADD an option which people can enable/disable on their servers to force a specific carsetup or to let people use their own setups!
Bad idea. If the car doesn't handle well for me, I would go to another server. Besides, I don't think, it'll make racing closer, fast guys will be fast on any setup. You will see it, when you are in a race, and the fastest racer is 3 Sec. faster than your best time, then you ask for his setup, and you are maybe, but not always just 0.5 sec faster than before, so it isn't about the setup, it is about driving...although i am tweaking sets a lot, the effect on laptimes isn#t that big as long as your driving sucks.

I am skeptical about forced playing options, I like it better, if the fastest guys gives away his set to anybody just to see he is still the fastest. Good sportmanship behavior and not making ppl drives setups they dont like.

If you want close racing, mind the GTR car class and head for TBO or even UF 1000 races
#4 - JeDa
#5 - AndyC
I put yes but it wouldn't in work on every situation. In leagues yes, but the setup to be used should be a decent setup. Maybe a few personal things should be changeable like Brake balance and strengh and steering lock.

But a good idea in most situations
i don't like the idea!
this is like cutting off your balls

what i prefer ist the same car! but setup should be individual.
i like A1 GP, F3, F3000 and so on, because they all have the same equipment Chasis, tyres, ....).
and being a good driver also means being able to create good sets...

unfortunatly i'm not a good setupper, but i think those who can create good setups, should have an advantage!

limiting to the same equipment is enough and everyone has the same starting situation and it depents on his/her talent to get the best out of it!

ps: sorry about that really bad english...hope its understandable
If you don't have a decent setup for a track car combo just ask but not while everyone is racing most give out sets so there should be no problem there
Where is the yes, but only if the default setups are sorted out? No point forcing every car undriveable, where the competition be then? (ok that's an exaggeration, they're not that bad, but you'd be hard pushed to find worse sets in everyday use)
I don't like that idea.

How can you have a close race if you drive a set with ex. to much oversteer for your driving style and you can't keep a clean race line?
I like the idea in principle. It only works if the setup you are forcing the use of is good to drive, but I think there's a place in LFS for this as an option. Things like steering lock and brake force always need to be adjustable though, because equipment and configuration varies.

I'm sure it would be nice for some people to have a league (for instance) where you do not have to devote any time to setup development before each race, and you can just show up, drive, and be on the same page as everybody else in terms of what your car is capable of. Of course, even in series in real-life where the driver is as hands-off as possible before the race, things like tyre-pressures can be changed......so whether certain things should always be adjustable I'm not sure.
it wouldn't necessarily make it fair and equal. not everyone drives the same way. currently it's very easy to get hold of good sets, it's not like only those few talented setup folk can go a lot faster than everyone else.
I'd be screwed, I like more oversteer than normal in fwd's and more understeer in the rwd's...
Quote from Blowtus :it wouldn't necessarily make it fair and equal. not everyone drives the same way. currently it's very easy to get hold of good sets, it's not like only those few talented setup folk can go a lot faster than everyone else.
I'd be screwed, I like more oversteer than normal in fwd's and more understeer in the rwd's...

Well then I suppose that sort of competition might not be for those that cannot adjust the way they drive very quickly. You would only be "screwed", though, if every server and every league ran fixed setup racing, and only then if the setups they ran were impossible for you to drive. I don't really think either of those things would happen.

I reckon the obsession with laptimes would stop fixed-setup or limited-setup racing from taking off though, which is a shame imo.
And forced setup option would also reduce servers with car/track combo what one wants to play, allready it's sort off hard to find it.
Always hated the idea. A definite no from me.
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
No, no no, no!!! Let the bad guys practise offline!
I'd rather like an option for servers to select what setup options they want to lock. So, for example you could force everyone to use road normal tyres and certain suspension settings but allow adjusting everything else. Or force everyone to drive the UF1000 with the roof on, or force everyone to use a certain fuel load (So you could more easily have a "economy" race of who gets the farthest with a certain fuel load ) etc.
Just as I suspected, 50/50. I would love to see it but I guess it doesnt really fit a "true sim" to have it as an option for all the time, because only very limited series in the world use it.
I can see both sides of the argument. But this seems like a great compromise suggestion:

Quote from Kegetys :I'd rather like an option for servers to select what setup options they want to lock. So, for example you could force everyone to use road normal tyres and certain suspension settings but allow adjusting everything else. Or force everyone to drive the UF1000 with the roof on, or force everyone to use a certain fuel load...

I feel more confident using my own setups as they usually have a nice stable rear with a low power-on setting in the diff, etc, etc. But I have to say I'd enjoy racing on a server where Bob's road-car setups were compulsory. All that body roll -- it would be like watching Bullitt.

I'd like a mode where the tyres had infinite grip... how fast do you dare drive while trying to stop the car from rolling over in the corners? Or flipping end-over-end when braking? Just for fun.
I think it's a great idea. A lot of times you find that newbies think they're slow because of their setup, not because of their driving style. Knowing that everyone is on a level playing field might address that problem.

Also, I would love to have some races where everyone is running a "stock" or very soft type of setup. Ditto for races with "bouncy" setups in the UF1000. These could be really great diversions from the serious racing that's the staple of LFS.
Quote from Bob Smith :I'd like a mode where the tyres had infinite grip... how fast do you dare drive while trying to stop the car from rolling over in the corners? Or flipping end-over-end when braking? Just for fun.

You can already do that with UF1000 + slickmod :P
i don't like it, people should be able to setup a car the way they like it. In real racing with equal cars (like a1) the driver and team setup the car the way they think it's fasted. Slower guys should practice more then i think.

Ok not everybody can setup a car but you can always ask a fast driver for the set and most of the time the driver will sent the set
force setup (any) should/will be a admin-side option sooner or later.
just like force view (any) etc etc.
I like the idea and i'm sure someone can some up with a decent setup that isent undrivable for everyone so would promote racecraft. ofcourse as an option only, wouldnt want it to be the only way to get a setup.
Quote from XRRoy :i don't like it, people should be able to setup a car the way they like it. In real racing with equal cars (like a1) the driver and team setup the car the way they think it's fasted. Slower guys should practice more then i think.

Ok not everybody can setup a car but you can always ask a fast driver for the set and most of the time the driver will sent the set

I think you misunderstand the idea of making it a server option, not manditory in all servers, if its anything like NR2003 was it'll be 75% open setups anyway..