The online racing simulator
What happened with the DEVs?
(210 posts, closed, started )
Quote from Bob Smith :I too suspect an incompatible patch not too far away but...

That's funny educated guesswork to me, either that or your eyesight is really bad. Fixing a few physics bugs and tweaking of car models is hardly going to make LFS seem like a new game (while appreciated all the same).

Oh and I don't think tyre physics are ever going to be drastically different to what we have now since they're just not that far off. We know the circumstances under which there is most disparity but the rest of the time few people would complain on the general feel.

Oh, and sorry for killing your excitement, I forgot, mentally 5 and all. Wink Santa isn't real either.

You knew what I meant - there will be, I reckon (although I have no official work or insight guys), be patches for nearly exery aspect of LFS in the nearish future. Of course it'll still be recognisable, but you don't need to take me that literally...

And Bob, I've discussed this with you before, and it's no good being pig headed about it. Santa is real, and you can whinge all you like about him not bringing you nice presents. Trying to make others believe he isn't real won't make you any bigger or cleverer Wink

1. To me LFS is THE BEST SIM ever! I have tried most of the things on the market and usually even own them, but there is simply no other Sim that makes me feel like LFS. In LFS I am racing - In all the other Sims I am playing a racing game.....pretending to be a FIA GT driver for example.....

2. Saying there was no improvement in LFS since the first beta simply stops me from taking you quote a slogan: GET REAL

3. Our arguments are not moving in a circle but along a line.....LFS development started at one point in time and it will be finished at one point in circle analogy here.....

4. Many real race driver enjoy least in Europe.....why not in Brazil, I don't know.....

5. LFS has much room for improvement and is, unlike many other sims, constantly improving over time. Aerodynamics, Sounds and Weather are only three of the things I am sure Scawen, Eric and Victor have on their list.....

6. Saying the things you demand are simple to implement exceeds your (and my) knowledge by far. We all do not know how hard it is to implement any new feature to LFS.....we even can not compare the 3D modeling we can do in 3DSMax or whatever to what Eric does as we do not even know which tools he uses.....

Just my well spend 24£

CU, Sebastian

PS: Can someone explain to me why I can not post a carriage return?

PPS: Now it works Smile
Quote from tristancliffe :I don't know, but I expect that we'll be seeing a physics/incompatible patch fairly soon (fairly being a relative term, as it will take time for Scawen to code the fixes once the lagnuage stuff is finalised).

i just hope scawen will pipe out incompatible patches as they are finished and not care about the hotlappers too much
or maybe its just me wanting non exploitable downforce and faster gearboxes asap instead of having to wait until they are perfectly polished rather than just free of major bugs
Quote from Bob Smith :Santa isn't real either.

Quote from tristancliffe :patches for nearly exery aspect of LFS in the nearish future.

That's very optimistic. I'd say the same but I don't consider one year to be "near future".

If you where smart, you would have realised a LONG time ago LFS is a constant WIP, hence it will have bugs here and there, which are inevitable, specially on a piece of software thats NOT FINISHED, and it is made VERY CLEAR when you purchase LFS that this is a piece of unfished software.

Why do you come here knowing this (im presuming your smart enough to realise this by now)?

If you dont like it, LEAVE and come back when S3 is released (finished product), you'll already have S1 paid for so you only have to pay that little bit more to enjoy an awesome product.

I dont mean to be rude, but you sure arent understanding many things that are being said here...
There no point in feeding this troll people, he comes back and says the same things without making reasonable arguements for his points. Someone please think of the children and lock this thread.... Wink
[_]LFS-community knows how to handle Trolls.

Good thing in that? We always try to explain "our love" Wink Bad thing you see, when reading this thread.

Problem of newcomers: They simply did not experience the way the devs work, they do not know, how S1 was released, how patches were coming with new features, how even patches has been developed for some single persons. So the newbies come here and expect a community and a relationship devs-comm. like in other games. I mean even Nick_II somewhere posted "why they dont answer me here?"... Well, he should check scawens and victors post-count. They are active in the forums. Now tell me any other game, where the devs have that connection to the people? So all I can say to you Nick_II: The Devs are more than aware of the problems and little wrong things in LFS, and they are working on it. And you will see it. If you have the S2 licence, you can be sure to be able to play LFS for the next two to three years with constant physics and game updates. This is - as Kid said on page 1 or 2 - a WiP game Wink Enjoy that oportunity, cause no other game will give it to you.
Wow! I think we did it! He seems to have given up! Tilt
Quote from DasBoeseC :
1. In LFS I am racing - In all the other Sims I am playing a racing game.....pretending to be a FIA GT driver for example.....

WOW!!! Can i put this in my signature? Brilliant! Thumbs up
Quote from axus :Wow! I think we did it! He seems to have given up! Tilt

Don't count your chicken's! Big grin
Quote from Vykos69 :[_]LFS-community knows how to handle Trolls.

Good thing in that? We always try to explain "our love" Wink Bad thing you see, when reading this thread.

Problem of newcomers: They simply did not experience the way the devs work, they do not know, how S1 was released, how patches were coming with new features, how even patches has been developed for some single persons. So the newbies come here and expect a community and a relationship devs-comm. like in other games. I mean even Nick_II somewhere posted "why they dont answer me here?"... Well, he should check scawens and victors post-count. They are active in the forums. Now tell me any other game, where the devs have that connection to the people? So all I can say to you Nick_II: The Devs are more than aware of the problems and little wrong things in LFS, and they are working on it. And you will see it. If you have the S2 licence, you can be sure to be able to play LFS for the next two to three years with constant physics and game updates. This is - as Kid said on page 1 or 2 - a WiP game Wink Enjoy that oportunity, cause no other game will give it to you.

Don't reply to my posts directly Vykos. I'm playing LFS since 0.1a I believe (might be b) so I kinda know what to expect from the devs you see. The reason I post things like saying I find Eric is slow is because it is how I honestly feel. I'm probably a bit more cold-headed/less fanboy than most people here because I can see things in a way out. Call that a pessimistic view if you wish. I don't have too much free time so therefore don't play too much LFS either. It's not my way of life, I have other things to do, but sometimes I feel like posting here.
I am one of the few who think the devs don't need to be protected by an elitist community. They need CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM to move forward, not ass licking being told everything they do is always the best ever and everything is marvellous in a wonderful world. They don't need to be protected by anyone. Just like a racecar driver that is criticised can respond by a strong performance on track, the LFS devs can respond to bad critics (i.e. not constructive) by making improvements to their product (because that's what LFS is: a commercial product).

Now as everyone in this thread just seem to keep saying things we already know (like LFS is a constant WIP), I'll point out something you might not have noticed (or at least I've not seen posted yet) that is meant to be constructive, not flamed:
I believe (that's how you start constructive criticism sentences) the suspension modeling, at least 3D (visual) on the Formula cars is wrong in LFS AT THE MOMENT (don't tell me it's WIP I know it, I'm just pointing it out to see what others, and devs think). I say that because I don't see any steering arms on the front suspensions and on the formula cars I've seen or modeled so far, the rear suspensions (at least the top wishbones) look like this: /\| whereas in LFS there is only /\.
I have also noticed that the brake discs don't rotate with the wheels and the calipers on the LX6 on front are not affected by wheel position (in terms of dynamic camber when wheels are steered).
Quote from Nick_ll :I believe (that's how you start constructive criticism sentences) the suspension modeling, at least 3D (visual) on the Formula cars is wrong in LFS AT THE MOMENT (don't tell me it's WIP I know it, I'm just pointing it out to see what others, and devs think). I say that because I don't see any steering arms on the front suspensions and on the formula cars I've seen or modeled so far, the rear suspensions (at least the top wishbones) look like this: /\| whereas in LFS there is only /\.
I have also noticed that the brake discs don't rotate with the wheels and the calipers on the LX6 on front are not affected by wheel position (in terms of dynamic camber when wheels are steered).

Have you posted any of these in the Improvement Suggestions subforum (or possibly the bug forum in relation to the LX6's calipers)?

Although I have a suspicion that brake representation, etc will get an overhaul whenever we get brake wear, temperature, etc (please don't scream at me "WHEN!?!?!?!" Smile )
Well Nick, you really point it out perfectly: You are pessimistic. Look for example at the zillions of track coming right now for rf. Name me one of them, that really matches the quality of the S2 tracks. Just from the texture, bumps and trackside objects point of view. You might find one, but then look for a fantasy-track for RF, that nearly comes close to Erics tracks. You might find one in the next three years. That's where the worktime goes. It goes into quality.

Besides that, if you believe it or not, I am a damn critical guy, and the devs might hate me for that from time to time, when I go on their nerves. And that's like a lot of LFS-fans are. They are critical, they KNOW the failures, they posted them in thousands of threads in the improvement part, but the difference is: They know, that they are read and the things will change, the appreciate the progress. That is the difference. Got the idea? Most of other gamefans dont accept that, when I say: "Yes, you are right, tire-phys, sound etc. arent good atm, but it's being worked on". Cause a rf fanboy cant say: "Yes, you are right, gfx-engine is too cartoonish, the cars look bad, the physics has errors at slow speed, but it will improve", cause they simply DONT know if it will improve. They just can prey for a patch, or prey that the devs listen to them. Same was it with GTR. The community mentioned a lot of stuff, especially in terms of dedi-server for example. And how were they threated? Nothing happened to a lot of the well known bugs. I take myself the right, to point at those bugs in other games, cause I also point at the bugs in LFS, damn I dont know how often I said, the tires are wrong.

Take your critics about the formula suspension: I havent looked into that, but you might be right, and that's a worthy post for improvement suggestion, but take your post about not spinning brakediscs... Come on, that's a: on the list since years but b: a feature - thank god - way way down the list of important improvements.

Last thing: Whenever I talk with the devs, I am always surprised how far they look, how deeply they understand the problems and I can say for sure, that they are their own biggest critic, with an insight into the real problems of the code that no one of us can match.
Hello I know I'm new here but in the past few days I've read several threads started by obvious pro-GTR fans bashing LFS for one reason or another. I've also noticed that as quick as the thread gets heated with LFS defenders the original poster slips away, leaving everyone bickering among themselves. I'm really starting to wonder if this was the true intentions behind these threads. Certainly makes more sense than being unhappy with a demo. Lowering ones self to these trolls is neither productive and imo not what the devs had inmind when they started this forum. Lets not give them the satisfaction I say, when a thread appears with a subject as this one does, it says more if no one responds, it tells the poster no one agrees with you.
oh god!

i haven't read any further than the 1st page.... Frown
can we get a button that just bans all moaners please! an nice big one so it only takes me a split second to click!
can people not give the devs a break, whats the rush? S2 is amazing, and alot more realistic than any other car game.
so just shut up, sit back, and enjoy! Cool

@Delerue - nikimere is a real race-driver and what did he just say?

Quote :S2 is amazing, and alot more realistic than any other car game.


CU, Sebastian

PS: @Boris Lozac - Sure....go ahead, mate Smile
Quote from DasBoeseC :*cough*

You wanna get that cough checked mate heheheh
hehe i really enjoyed reading this topicCool

but the topic starter should buy s3 when it's out. Then he might be thinking differentNod
Quote from Nick_ll : [...] The reason I post things like saying I find Eric is slow is because it is how I honestly feel. I'm probably a bit more cold-headed/less fanboy than most people here because I can see things in a way out.


I am one of the few who think the devs don't need to be protected by an elitist community. They need CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM to move forward, not ass licking being told everything they do is always the best ever and everything is marvellous in a wonderful world. They don't need to be protected by anyone. Just like a racecar driver that is criticised can respond by a strong performance on track, the LFS devs can respond to bad critics (i.e. not constructive) by making improvements to their product (because that's what LFS is: a commercial product).

I don't think people you'll hear what you perfectly said. They think that all people in the world are just fans. So, if you don't like one thing in LFS, you must love GTR or rFactor or... They can't see that all the games have problems (I can list a lot of GTR bugs, per example), but if a game has a problem it must be fixed yesterday. And if a game has too much problems, so the DEVs must work 24 hours, everyday to bring back the consumers money spent. And if a game has a lot of old problems, there's something wrong with the DEVs. AND if a game has all these things associated with a precarious game-play, so we have a really serious problem.

Nevertheless, the point here is that we (you alone and me) talking with blind guys, that will gonna do anything to protect the love of their lives. So, give up. Congratulations to the DEVs, that trick out so much people. I'll play GT Legends: more beautil (dynamic lighting, pixel shaders, high polygon count etc.), more loud (real samples, multi-channel support, doppler), more realistc, more cheaper and it has almost all the great cars I care about. See U. Thumbs up
But it has Starforce, poor physics, fake force feedback, terrible netcode, more expensive, and has mostly rubbish cars that don't feel realistic.

Whatever floats your boat. Perhaps you don't know what a good sim should feel like...
Quote from tristancliffe :But it has Starforce, poor physics, fake force feedback, terrible netcode, more expensive, and has mostly rubbish cars that don't feel realistic.

Whatever floats your boat. Perhaps you don't know what a good sim should feel like...

Just to make myself clear: I don't play Starforce (even hating it). Poor physics is your opinion, that can't be proved. Fake force feedback, idem (BTW, have you ever read what you said in another place?). Netcode is worst, you're (finally) right, but I play offline almost all the time. More expensive is in your insane math world. Oh! I forgot to say: GT Legends is a finished game. Smile

Ending here...
I still think the best thing you can do is get in touch with the LFS devs and see what they think of your precise and concise business plan.
You're obviously ahead of them, it'd be a loss to every LFS player for you not to pull Scawen & co out of their error.

bye bye
But GTL comes with Starforce, so you have to (there is no fully working Starforce killer just yet afaik).
Poor Physics can be proven - look at the cars, and look at the speeds they can go round corners etc.
Where have I said GTL has nice force feedback? LFS's is the only FFB I'd consider using if I had the choice - and I do.
My Insane Maths World? Well, GTL has a recommended retail price of about 30. LFS is £24. I doubt you'd even get GTL from Amazon cheaper. Plus LFS is better in every area, and will always be so, and isn't finished, so it'll get better Big grin
The fact that GTL is 'finished' isn't a good thing - it just means that in 6 months time they'll buzz off another racing game costing the same with no added features. Woot.
This thread is closed

What happened with the DEVs?
(210 posts, closed, started )