the ranex 1501 is a device wich shows the callers number on the display. u need to connect it with your home phone. it has a 'large' display... kinda 
is there an op or could some1 make 1 so it could display information from the game live for speed?
like gear, speed fuel etc... it has got 2 buttons to scroll up and down.. and it has 2 connectors to connect phone and line(for the phone thing)
it would be cool if this could be done.. if any1 needs more info to make an app, ask here..
i would really appreciate it and if i need to help u guys with something i'm willing to help...

is there an op or could some1 make 1 so it could display information from the game live for speed?
like gear, speed fuel etc... it has got 2 buttons to scroll up and down.. and it has 2 connectors to connect phone and line(for the phone thing)
it would be cool if this could be done.. if any1 needs more info to make an app, ask here..
i would really appreciate it and if i need to help u guys with something i'm willing to help...