The online racing simulator
TEST Patch V6 (now V9) compatible with V
(110 posts, closed, started )
Quote :Cars one lap behind are now shown in grey on small map

Requesting permission to land a kiss on your cheek!

Now about replay rewinding?....
FE Black - Main Pitlane - Towards endline (of pits)

Looking back makes my fps drop from 40-60 to 15.

Attached replay if you need it. (wait till I get the LX6 - that's when I see it)

edit: Same happens in XFR.

edit2: Another bug which has been there a long time: If in custom view (for example passenger seat) and you look (w, e) towards the driver the dials lock.
Attached files
bad fps looking back.mpr - 97.1 KB - 243 views
#78 - Don
this fps loss when looking back happends to me very often if theres some layout on the track (but it`s been like that forever i think)
(geeman1) DELETED by geeman1
Quote from Becky Rose :Requesting permission to land a kiss on your cheek!

Now about replay rewinding?....

Rewinding please Scawen! Hehe, such a simple little tool, that will please alot of us. V9 is working good for me, though i've lost a little FPS. From V8, that is.
I'm also getting some FPS loss when looking back. It happened e.g. at Kyoto National at the end of the pitlane. The host (STCC) was using a layout, so this could be the cause. Don't know if it's a new problem though.
#81 - JTbo
Quote from mcintyrej :Rewinding please Scawen! Hehe, such a simple little tool, that will please alot of us. V9 is working good for me, though i've lost a little FPS. From V8, that is.

I would think that it takes a lot of work to actually make that, so it would be reasonable to do same time when user interface is added, one that is easy to hide and bring back, which has jog wheel that you turn by grabbing mouse and when you release it pauses, like in Viper Racing that still has best replay system around...

But I would imagine these are not going to happen very quickly and also perhaps patch thread is not for discussing from such things.

EDIT:Oh yes, when I'm on server in spectate mode that is running BL1 and there is only one car that hits esc and then chooses to go to garage my FPS will drop to near 40 or even below as camera is viewing grid without cars, even normally they are 60 and won't change no matter what.

All details and lods at maximum quality
No AA or AF

AMD 64 3200+
1GB ram
Radeon X850XT
Quote from Don :this fps loss when looking back happends to me very often if theres some layout on the track (but it`s been like that forever i think)

The reason why I posted it, is because I'd never experienced it before.
The looking-back-FPS-loss (pronounced when layout is loaded, I think) is in LFS since ages. Nothing to do with any of the test patches, not even with patch V itself.
Quote from AndroidXP :The looking-back-FPS-loss (pronounced when layout is loaded, I think) is in LFS since ages. Nothing to do with any of the test patches, not even with patch V itself.

So why do I experience it since I updated from V2 to V6?
Scawen it crashed again with sound looping.
becky as for the replay rewind im with u, maybe even an intergreated video record system but rewind would be so good, i would pay scawen £10 personally(and thats alot when your 14 and in dept over a g25) if he adds it
#87 - Jakg
LFS Crashed while hot lapping, KY3 forward, XRR. I was just driving and screen with error reprot message. Version .5V9

address - 0x000000006d9dac11
Quote from Jakg :any more information perhaps?

its happened 3 times in patch 9 and only once in patch 8 ? i have all the latest drivers.
I think what he means, when it crashed did you get an error report message come up and you click on details and then you can grab the address for Scawen so he can see where this problem is occuring
Quote from cmckowen :I think what he means, when it crashed did you get an error report message come up and you click on details and then you can grab the address for Scawen so he can see where this problem is occuring

nope no error message it just looped the sound on the 3 crashes.
#92 - Jakg
sounds like a hardware problem - temperatures?

Scawen - V9 - opened LFS, was spectating on a server, shift F4'ed to a window and then tried to move the LFS window to monitor 2 and it black screened
they fine there avge temp. But then again looked up my error long

30 March 2007 nv Unknown error on
30 March 2007 nv Unknown error on
30 March 2007 nv Unknown error on
30 March 2007 nv Unknown error on
30 March 2007 nv Unknown error on
30 March 2007 nv Unknown error on
30 March 2007 nv Unknown error on
30 March 2007 nv Unknown error on
30 March 2007 nv Unknown error on
30 March 2007 nv Unknown error on
30 March 2007 nv Unknown error on
30 March 2007 nv Unknown error on
30 March 2007 nv Unknown error on
30 March 2007 Service Control Manager The Radialpoint Service service failed to start due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified.
30 March 2007 DCOM The server {0002DF01-0000-0000-C000-00000 0000046} did not register with DCOM within the required timeout.
30 March 2007 DCOM The server {0002DF01-0000-0000-C000-00000 0000046} did not register with DCOM within the required timeout.
30 March 2007 Service Control Manager The Radialpoint Service service failed to start due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified.
30 March 2007 Service Control Manager The Radialpoint Service service failed to start due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified.
30 March 2007 Service Control Manager The Radialpoint Service service failed to start due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified.
30 March 2007 Service Control Manager The Radialpoint Service service failed to start due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified.
30 March 2007 Service Control Manager The Radialpoint Service service failed to start due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified.

but them nv errors only started popping up when i installed lfs.
Another couple of lockups with sound loops, other apps were OK in the background as I still had voice comms. Was online with the FXO at Westhill (std version). No event viewer errors, patch V9.
Temps are fine (GPU 41C), XP SP2, X850XT PE with catalyst 7.2
I had totally missed this whole DaveWS soundpack thing and woah... When the patch V sound editor was revealed I honestly didn't believe that it could make such a huge difference in a compatible patch. Great choice from the devs to officially include Dave's sounds. Tells something that now I had to listen the sounds through crappy 10 cm speakers with 5 fps (because had to use my "secondary" computer, power supply R.I.P.) so I couldn't even get the best out of them yet. I think I'm gonna finally give up with CSR.
scawen, i was just wondering, could u add another option to the "small map display", it really helps that cars behind u more then 1 lap are in grey, but for masters of endurance and such races, it would be nice to have a car that is more then 1 lap in front of you in let's say red, or which ever color... so if u are catching up (car in front is probably gonna pit or something, if it's slowed down) so u dont force an overtake.. just an idea.
Quote from faster111 :nope no error message it just looped the sound on the 3 crashes.

Did you get this with any older versions or is it new with the last few patches?

Quote from plinky :LFS Crashed while hot lapping, KY3 forward, XRR. I was just driving and screen with error reprot message. Version .5V9

address - 0x000000006d9dac11

Thanks for the crash address and description. I'll look this up in the morning.

Quote from Jakg :Scawen - V9 - opened LFS, was spectating on a server, shift F4'ed to a window and then tried to move the LFS window to monitor 2 and it black screened

Does that happen again if you do the same thing?
Quote from BigFatCat :Another couple of lockups with sound loops, other apps were OK in the background as I still had voice comms. Was online with the FXO at Westhill (std version). No event viewer errors, patch V9.
Temps are fine (GPU 41C), XP SP2, X850XT PE with catalyst 7.2

Did this ever happen with older versions, and has it happened again? I'm just trying to figure out now how many people are getting hangs now and how definite they are to appear.
Scawen, I also still get black screen bugs, but only if I change my monitor setup from Dual View (Treated as 2 seperate monitors) to Horizontal Span (Treated as 1 large monitor), using latest nVidia drivers, and V0, but has happened since I got my dual monitor setup.
Hey Scawen, at first... Sorry for my bad english!

Since the new Testpatch V6< have a friend a problem with Teamspeak2!
He is in Teamspeak, talk with me, but if he started LFS it sweep from him side... If he close LFS and restart Teamspeak... It is normally. In other games isn`t this problem.

His PC:
AMD Sempron 3000+
GeForce 7600GT
DDR2 512mb

We think it is a bug!
Anyone else getting lag problems with v9? I woulda lag out about every 5 minutes, switched back to V6 (V7 was giving me a compatiblity message) and the problem went away immediately. I have DSL, and never have connection issues.
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TEST Patch V6 (now V9) compatible with V
(110 posts, closed, started )