This is targetted at both Shaun and Faster;
The reason there is some unpleasant feelings towards you two from some of the community is because you both post nonsensical jargon, refuse to use proper english, do not explain yourselves or your posts (I still don't know if this thread is about your racing, Shaun, or your status in the community's eyes) and neither of you seem willing to contribute to the community. Especially Faster, who was generously given a license and only seems to post about Warrock... Also, you both complain about how you are being treated by the community, but refuse to heed it's advice on how to earn respect. I suppose that's an age thing; you are both very young and most kids your age are like that it seems, but at some point you will have to take responsibility, and fix things yourselves. I hope that time comes sooner, rather than later.
There have been some overly harsh posts, but some of the negative posts about you two have been warranted, in my opinion.