Hello! I'm on my way to purchasing the Logitech G25, and I was wondering if it's possible to swap the shift knob for a real one? It won't affect my decision on purchasing the wheel, but it's just something that, in my opinion, would make it better.
Yes you can. I've taken my knob off before, replaced it with a leather Momo knob. But I prefer the standard one, it seems to fit the size of the shifter perfectly.
hello, OP here again. I've just recieved my G25 in the mail today, and I must say, it's something. It's better than I thought it'd be. Would you just go about twisting off the knob, or is there another way? I've tried turning it counter clockwise, and no go. Any help?
If you wanted, you could weld another bit of metal onto the top, but the size of the shifter is right for the size that the gates take up. Making the shaft longer would probably make it wierd to shift gears.
I was just guessing by the pictures. I'd like to change the gear knob on mine (if I buy it that is) because it just looks too round. But that's my opinion and it probably doesn't feel wierd at all when you're playing.
Yeah, the G25 stock knob is alright, but i'd prefer maybe a Spoon or a Nismo shifter. I don't know why, i just like the shape of those over the G25 knob.