maybe not the best to judge this as i can only compare against my old samsung 17" which was a real cheap one 4 years ago. It's running at 1680 x 1050 res, very tidy sharp fonts, same size as 1024 res on my old monitor but sharper. Colours are very vivid, styling is minimalist black. In all I can't fault it. It's the Dell E228WFP - which invites all the geeks to sling mud at my bad judgement! For photoshop it's phenomenal, huge area for drawing and keeping tool boxes open and nicely visible.
LFS rocks big time in 22" widescreen, really immersive, and IL2 looks fab as well although some of the cockpit dials on the interior views look a bit stretched. You know when you start out with a crappy likke 14" crt, then upgrade to a good 17", how you can never imagine if you had to cope again with the 14"? Well its like that now with this and my old 17".
Vista's very pretty too but its a bit 'nanny state' when you copy/paste/rename files in c: drive. Gets on my nerves till i manage to find the button for 'calssic folder view' again