A Top Speed Track?
(59 posts, started )
Maybe here's a chance to catch two flies (or several) with one shot (shotgun that is...):

An airport track, big autocross arena and a highspeed "track" combined?

Then we would have one track with these possible configs:
a) a very long straight in it
b) a flat fast track with big runoff areas and looong straights
c) bigger autocross arena
d) a place where there is a lot space to create own GTR, mrt, whatevah circuit configs

Quote from skiingman :\

Long, but not long enough for top speed in any reasonably fast vehicle. Thus all the European top speed efforts flying the gear to this side of the pond (or Africa, or some other places) to test. Thrust SSC comes to mind, although thats an extreme case.

Well, not quite, only the record attempts have to be done in the US. Car top speeds are usually tested at proving grounds like Millbrook, which has an enormous banked 'bowl'.

You're right that a runway wouldn't really be long enough for top speed tests though. I was thinking of a location that would be useful for more than that (since it's a pretty pointless exercise), and an airfield circuit, such as the one they use for Top Gear, would suit LFS down to the ground.

I wonder what sort of licensing issues there would be around recreating somewhere like Bruntingthorpe?
Why bother to select a specific airport? I mean create one with all the good things in all airport tracks have (if they have any )

If I recall it right, the DTM cars had an aiport track race (on a working airport) in their schedule couple of years ago, but didn't find it in dtm.de...

And the cart series have one and had more too?

Just simple comparison: Average speed of that cart track is around 130 mph...The BL1 has a good lap of 1:02 so the average speed in F08 is 122mph. The lenghts are same, 2.1 miles.
Quote from DodgeRacer :No, its not stupid, but just a big plain asphault strip is not very practical for the devs to spend their time on, now this airstrip idea I think thats got some real good vibe to it...

How much time would a perfectly straight piece of road take to create... without any props etc im guessing a few minutes, though i could be wrong.
Quote from Bob Smith :There are very few cars you can get flat out even on the oval. But... does it matter? I mean you can work it out from maths anyway.

Sure, you can do all sorts of things with math, but being somewhat scientific, wouldn't you WANT to compare
your results to the actual data from LFS !? How else can you prove LFS is wrong/right

As for the top speed, i'd be interested in getting actual figures from the game itself, but i'll
admit it's not that usefull. Once you got the car to it's top speed, you note the speed,
then it's done. A long stretch of road leading nowhere WOULD be a waste in that case.

So in that respect, i think a BIG oval would be better. I mean 2 long stretches, very long, with
2 banked high-speed turns. Something more along the lines of the Gran Turismo TestCourse.

Kyoto is nice and all, but it's simply not big enough, i'd take straights at least twice that long personally.
I'm not sure what's the maximum map size LFS can deal with, maybe that's part of the reason for it's size.
Quote from Fonnybone :Sure, you can do all sorts of things with math, but being somewhat scientific, wouldn't you WANT to compare
your results to the actual data from LFS !? How else can you prove LFS is wrong/right

As for the top speed, i'd be interested in getting actual figures from the game itself, but i'll
admit it's not that usefull. Once you got the car to it's top speed, you note the speed,
then it's done. A long stretch of road leading nowhere WOULD be a waste in that case.

So in that respect, i think a BIG oval would be better. I mean 2 long stretches, very long, with
2 banked high-speed turns. Something more along the lines of the Gran Turismo TestCourse.

Kyoto is nice and all, but it's simply not big enough, i'd take straights at least twice that long personally.
I'm not sure what's the maximum map size LFS can deal with, maybe that's part of the reason for it's size.

Yeah, I think you are right. A big stretch of road would be quite useless. The idea of a huge oval is more interesting. It could even be considered as a ''race'' track on which you can do some races ( well, I don't believe thoses races would be quite fun... but, anyway ).

Besides, I think there are more important things to know before the top speed of a car. I mean... it could be an interesting statistic, but I'd rather have tire finalized tyre physics than this. Tyre physics are more important to do a good race than... top speed... (who cares about top speed of a car on aston club?? ).

Anyway... that's just an opinion.
(zoolhawk) DELETED by Bob Smith : ancient bump for no reason? no thanks
(h3adbang3r) DELETED by Bob Smith : ancient bump for no reason? no thanks
And how this is even nearly relevant to top SPEED track,suggested here?
Or even worth bumping a four year old thread? Erm, seven year old.
that this is not the idea of stupid young child...
A mile long extension to the Autocross Dragstrip would be useful though.
or 10.
Even if it took Eric and Scawen only 10 minutes to do any longer than a competition dragstrip it would be a waste of time...

Those who don't agree learn about gearing and find out why it's completely useless...
Quote from FPVaaron :I think a 10mile stretch of road with an adjustable finish line would be pretty cool, most of you may think it's pretty pointless but with 20 cars all trying to draft each other at 300km and people flipping crashing into the wall out of control would make a pretty entertaining race.

I'd like to alter my 7 year old idea slightly.

My perception on the 'fun factor' still remains but I'd like to see a speed track that you could do laps on.

Here's my idea.
  • Something that resembles a country highway, no dividing barrier in the center, instead a dipping section of grass/dirt
    This would make going from one side to the next in a crash unlikely but not impossible.

  • about 15-20km in total legnth with a tight section of corners at each end or a Hairpin.
  • It should contain high speed sweeping corners that may require a slight throttle lift and a driving line

  • At least one section which is dead straight 4km+ in legnth and is 2 lanes wide with 'some' bumps. This would mean over taking requires precision and skill by both parties.
This I think would satisfy the majority, combining skill, danger and top speed testing.

Perhaps a dividing barrier in the center could be an option for those worried about crashes in their server crossing over on purpose to ruin races.
I have driven the old Le Mans representation on GPL. Believe me - super massive long straights do not hold their appeal for very long.
Quote from FPVaaron :I'd like to alter my 7 year old idea slightly.

My perception on the 'fun factor' still remains but I'd like to see a speed track that you could do laps on.

Here's my idea.
  • Something that resembles a country highway, no dividing barrier in the center, instead a dipping section of grass/dirt
    This would make going from one side to the next in a crash unlikely but not impossible.
  • about 15-20km in total legnth with a tight section of corners at each end or a Hairpin.
  • It should contain high speed sweeping corners that may require a slight throttle lift and a driving line
  • At least one section which is dead straight 4km+ in legnth and is 2 lanes wide with 'some' bumps. This would mean over taking requires precision and skill by both parties.
This I think would satisfy the majority, combining skill, danger and top speed testing.

Perhaps a dividing barrier in the center could be an option for those worried about crashes in their server crossing over on purpose to ruin races.

I would like to see something like a long, straight-ish section of highway, potentially even part of a town/ small city to race in. I live in California, and to get from San Francisco to Los Angles means you must drive a few hours on a long freeway (as described above) called I-5. I have thought several times how it would be like if I could just see how fast I can go on there, it must be fun to test your car at full speed, driving about wide sweeping turns and (unfortunately) poorly leveled bridges over small creeks.
Quote from FPVaaron :I'd like to alter my 7 year old idea slightly.

My perception on the 'fun factor' still remains but I'd like to see a speed track that you could do laps on.

Here's my idea.
  • Something that resembles a country highway, no dividing barrier in the center, instead a dipping section of grass/dirt
    This would make going from one side to the next in a crash unlikely but not impossible.

  • about 15-20km in total legnth with a tight section of corners at each end or a Hairpin.
  • It should contain high speed sweeping corners that may require a slight throttle lift and a driving line

  • At least one section which is dead straight 4km+ in legnth and is 2 lanes wide with 'some' bumps. This would mean over taking requires precision and skill by both parties.
This I think would satisfy the majority, combining skill, danger and top speed testing.

Perhaps a dividing barrier in the center could be an option for those worried about crashes in their server crossing over on purpose to ruin races.


Quote from Storm_Cloud :I have driven the old Le Mans representation on GPL. Believe me - super massive long straights do not hold their appeal for very long.


I completely agree with you Storm. but as Aaron suggested if we could get anything even close to resembling a highway, with curves and dips and elevation changes, slight very high speed turns it would be a blast, possibly the most fun track on LFS.
There's a track on GT5, I can't think of the name off hand let me fetch a video for you.
(this video just makes me so jealous that LFS doesn't have night/weather.... )
Basically it's just a straight, that turns around into another straight, and just loops.
Quote from FPVaaron :I'd like to alter my 7 year old idea slightly.

My perception on the 'fun factor' still remains but I'd like to see a speed track that you could do laps on.

Here's my idea.
  • Something that resembles a country highway, no dividing barrier in the center, instead a dipping section of grass/dirt
    This would make going from one side to the next in a crash unlikely but not impossible.
  • about 15-20km in total legnth with a tight section of corners at each end or a Hairpin.
  • It should contain high speed sweeping corners that may require a slight throttle lift and a driving line
  • At least one section which is dead straight 4km+ in legnth and is 2 lanes wide with 'some' bumps. This would mean over taking requires precision and skill by both parties.
This I think would satisfy the majority, combining skill, danger and top speed testing.

Perhaps a dividing barrier in the center could be an option for those worried about crashes in their server crossing over on purpose to ruin races.

in NFS / in LFS illepall

high-speed corners we have on some tracks,
an even longer track that was certainly a would certainly be welcome, but rather something like Nürburgring Nordschleife, moreover, the track has already appeared in several games
Yeah, I think you are right. A big stretch of road would be quite useless. The idea of a huge oval is more interesting. It could even be considered as a ''race'' track on which you can do some races ( well, I don't believe thoses races would be quite fun... but, anyway ).

Besides, I think there are more important things to know before the top speed of a car. I mean... it could be an interesting statistic, but I'd rather have tire finalized tyre physics than this. Tyre physics are more important to do a good race than... top speed... (who cares about top speed of a car on aston club?? ).

Anyway... that's just an opinion.i like your idea - if only they would let you have 30+cars on it :/
Quote from acp___(pl) :in NFS / in LFS illepall

high-speed corners we have on some tracks,
an even longer track that was certainly a would certainly be welcome, but rather something like Nürburgring Nordschleife, moreover, the track has already appeared in several games

Yes you're right!

However it is not fair to compare South city to the introduction race of NFS underground because they both take part in a city.

High speed corners we do have on some tracks, but there's a difference going from T1 of South City Long to Aston National.

I'm not sure if you read my post properly.. my suggestion was not a track that involed a lead brick on the accelerator and a comftable bed to sleep in.
I played a lot time in NFS, yours description reminds me of this game
Quote from Stellios :It would be really nice to just have a huge long piece of tarmac, or a really long ring to test your top speeds on. Some cars cant hit top speed on the oval, and it would be nice to be able to figure them out.

In my opinion.

Rule #1.

-- Use the god damned search function before creating a topic asking for something that has been asked for a million times already.

Rule #2.

-- Dont bump a bloody old thread.
This: http://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?t=76186

Is the best idea for a "Top Speed track"... Its not a pure straight, but its not a oval... There are 2 high speed corners on each end, but not so fast as you will need to brake...

It is... Perfect!!

If LFS had frontal draft (read quote), would be a very nice pack racing, better than Daytona, Talladega or everything else...

Quote from DANIEL-CRO :Car on the back make higher pressure in front of him, and the result of this is pushing car in front. But of course this isn't so strong push as for car in back.

This nonsense seems to spread epidemicly... Is this NASCAR spreading their "wisdom" again?
I would also like a speed track (CheerioDM's one), if would be fun with drafting.

A Top Speed Track?
(59 posts, started )