May I refer you to search for previous discussions on this subject so you can see that most agree that LFS is a racing simulator, not pimp mah ride.
I think its great idea man, also if we could add flamethrowers on the exhaust system, some 30 inch wheels for teh XRT, Drift tires, drift engine, drift track, drift headlights, some soulglow tire sidewall sponsors, and NOS offcurse
As allready stated.. its a racing simulator, not a street simulator. Consider yourself lucky the devs added a couple of street like cars and a street like track...
If you really want to be listened to, and have your suggestions noted; I'd suggest get S2 and support your fav game.
[sarcasim]Yeah and while we're at it lets add some spoilers that go up about 5 feet in the air! And also lets add EXTREME TUBING TO LIVE FOR SPEED!!! Imagine drifting around a rock in water...oh noes we went too close! Pop! you die.
Sounds like a WONDERFULL mod![/sarcasim]
On a serious note it would make it more like Forza Motorsport if ya know what I mean.
This sounds quite nice option actually, should be also windows that you could open :P
OPs suggestion is again this F&F crap that at least I'm quite full, but that is one style as others and as long as it is done realistically (eg. most those do is add weight/drag = negative effect to performance) I can't disagree with that either, it surely bring more customers, loads of wreckers for sure, but I think there are means to send them to nirvana, with all bodykits, silly wings and oversized wheels, defineatly there should be server side option /rice where I can set =no and those not so bright F&F fans can set it on, but it should default as off
I think that engine tuning should be part of it. I have to tune my car for the racing season and change it back when it is over so I can drive the car on long trips.
Tuning. Ricing. Modding. Blinging. Bah, humbug! Damn kids. Use the search function and get off my lawn, dagnabit! *shakes fist*
However, I would like to see the XR's lights open up. I'd also like to be able to leave the lights on instead of just flashing them, but that's an old request and it's probably on a dev's list somewhere.
No, moding shouldn't be included. For one thing, skins might get really ****ed up on the new parts. And the streching on the car may act different. It'll look like shit. The most i an see getting moded is changing your wheels.
That wasn't very productive, was it? The ability to 'mod' your car is pointless, as every track will have it's 'sweet' setup, meaning that's the one everyone will use. Meaning we have everyone running the same car, just like now.
So if you want, you can imagine your XRT is already "P1MP3D 2 T3H MAX!!11ZOMG", because it won't make a blind bit of difference.]