The online racing simulator
1600 Starlet Cup
(65 posts, started )
im just gona try out your car setup but otherwise im interested thanx sam. and what do you mean by 13" slicks ? what do i change ?
Stock hatch is dead, i think we established that last race, with 7 drivers pulling out after the second race.

The tweak does work over multiplayer, i tested it with Jakg and DawesDust_12, and, it was a hella blast! (Apart from dustin - Wreckzor! :P)

The thing about this tweak, is that people think they can drive it fast, from the beginning, but its not that kind of Tweak, its a very quick car, and will require practise.

Heres the tweak, have a play, then comment.

Remember, its RWD (Dustin!)
Attached files
1600starlercup.GTi.rar - 171 B - 455 views
starlet cup would be awsome! i own a 1975 corolla which came out with similar motor.

is that download the car? if so where do you extract that file to
Sorry, S2 Users only.
Right, if anybody is out there, im currently Hosting a server, using this Tweak.

You must be running (Or have a copy) Of LFS Version V, LFSTweak for V, and the Starlet Cup .twk file (in .rar form) a couple of posts up.

Start LFS up, go into single player, select the XFG, open up tweak, then load my tweaked set, then go onto multiplayer.

Server name - Starlet Cup Tweak Test
Pass - Non

Ill be hosting it for a few hours (Assumining its working)

If your having trouble finding the server, give me a PM or something.

see you there!
Seems to work, only had a quick play (I was "unnamed" LOL) because I am work, but it looked OK.
Yeah, its a blast
car seems to be too twitchy for my liking...
#34 - Jakg
twas quite fun, like an XRG but a LOT twitchier
Quote from Blaeza :car seems to be too twitchy for my liking...

Get some practise in, its actually quite a fun car to drive, once youget used to its twitchy-ness.

Actually, this car has made me think more about what im doing, control wise, such as thinking about applying the right amount of throttle on a corner without losing it, Hell-Toe downshifting to avoid the rear wheels locking up etc.

Anyways, ill be leaving this server up, hopefully the remainder of the day, Ill also leave the tracks/ laps open to members to change for their liking.

im not convinced by this car tbh
the xfg as a base has a stupidly high cog which makes the car roll easily with slicks (especially on fe) and it actually shifts so much weight the inside wheel is spinning freely however much diff lock you set
the car also jumps and skips across the road a lot ... no idea what causes it but it feels dodgy ... like some kind of physics error
the jumping is cuased by having to much grip, i could elimate this by using larger wheels, with less sidewall
thought that might be the reason
then you really should fix it ... no one would drive a car like that irl
Ill have a quick tinker, to see what the outcome is
i'm interested. Can we have a 200bhp fwd GTi?

Slicks might be a bit much, can you create a modded road super that has less grip?
Somehow, the tweak file won't work for me? It has 0 hp, and it's sinking through the ground when I want to race
Quote from Kim Gripping :Somehow, the tweak file won't work for me? It has 0 hp, and it's sinking through the ground when I want to race

open it up with notepad and replace all the "." with ","
Woops, i had to rush out earlier, didnt have time to re-set up server, will be all day tomorrow
will this be on thursdays like the stock hatch cup?

tried out the tweak settings yesterday and it was quite fun. a few adjustments to the setup and it was hooking like mad on blackwood.
Considering the days its on, i dont know. i always based the league race dates when i know im free to race (Because my work rota changes weekly).

Was actually why i made SH, so i could have some league fun.

I could arrange it on different days, but not without giving at atleast 1 weeks notice.

4aged - Good, money well worth spent.


heres a video i made of me driving the Starlet Cup tweak. details in Vid
Starlet Cup Server Running.

Server is running, will close about 10pm England Time

Make sure you load the tweak before entering multiplayer, load the tweak in single player, then enter the server.

laps and Tracks can be user selected, Have fun!
Can somebody give me a link where i can d/load patch V please? i cant find it anywhere
its ok now, i got it
hey giz what TFT you running there? looks nice

It might be a good idea to increase your FOV as you're lucky enough to have a wide screen monitor & a G25 you lucky lucky man. im with envy

1600 Starlet Cup
(65 posts, started )