The online racing simulator
Error?! Please help me!
(33 posts, started )
Error?! Please help me!
Hi there i've been playing lfs for a kinda long time now and i re-installed my computer and now i get this error.
i got geforce fx 5200
ARe yoiur graphic drivers installed (nVidia ones, not Windows' default ones?)
Is Hardware acceleration turned to on in dxdiag?
yes it's installed :S
i've just re-installed it but it wont work -.-
do i need service pack 2 or something? im not good at computers :P
#7 - CSU1
Go to Start/All programs/accessories/system tools/system restore and restore your machine to an earlyer date before the error.
aew Look i've just re-installed the computer i cant go back in time then
#9 - CSU1
Quote from fretan :aew Look i've just re-installed the computer i cant go back in time then

Then remove the current windows driver AND THEN install the updated driver from the link jonas provided. When windows alerts "new hardware found" stop windows from installing the standard driver before you install updated one
aff to much work i will just stop play..
#11 - CSU1
I see,smileypul
#12 - Davo
I'd say directx isnt upto date.

also noticed you extracted lfs to root c:? make a folder for it
I agree with Davo - looks like a DX problem to me too.
it seems the boy won´t play anymore lol
Having the exact same problem with different graphics card - Radeon 9550. LFS running fine for more than 1½ year, but a some days ago it developed this problem. Maybe while updating to patch W?
Tried updating display driver, but still refuses to run. Maybe a new bug introduced?
open up yor pc and check of you vid card is still connected good to ur pc, if needed push ur card back in the slot
#17 - CSU1
Quote from MZWiZard :Having the exact same problem with different graphics card - Radeon 9550. LFS running fine for more than 1½ year, but a some days ago it developed this problem. Maybe while updating to patch W?
Tried updating display driver, but still refuses to run. Maybe a new bug introduced?

Well....did you fix before this post or will it still not run LFS?
Not fixed, no

Edit: rFactor runs just as good as always, problem seems isolated to LFS
Delete or rename file card_cfg in LFS folder and check if LFS picks up the GFX correctly.
I already did that. I also deleted intire lfs folder, downloaded the newest patch W 112MB install file and unpacked to another folder name, no go.

Tried patching back to U30, no go.... I'm getting desperate!
OK, lets get deeper into it. What VGA drivers version are you using? Did you try to update DirectX? Go for Start>Run>dxdiag. Check out the Display tab for anything strange and do the same with DirectX files tab. You might want to disable and re-enable Direct3D acceleration on Display tab to ensure that it isn't just some sort of a config that screwed up.
Ok, tried the latest available driver, 3.8 something, no go. Just tried some "failsafe" cfg.txt and card_cfg.txt files (attached), no go. Did an update to latest (Feb. 2007) directx, no go. Did a dxdiag, no problems found and all tests succeded. Attached the dxdiag file too. Whats next?
Attached files
card_cfg.txt - 39 B - 331 views
cfg.txt - 32 B - 182 views
DxDiag(1).txt - 75.6 KB - 393 views
Possilbe problem might be in your Omega drivers. I'd go, uninstall them completely and get an official ATi Catalyst driver release. These hacked drivers are likely to cause a lot of weird stuff...

Edit: Here is a Direct link for the latest avalable drivers for Radeon 9550
Quote from MadCatX : These hacked drivers are likely to cause a lot of weird stuff...

well i never had problems with them, but im sure its worth a try.
The driver before was an official ati driver. Remember, problem is also isolated to LFS. rFactor, IL-2 1946 and FS-X works perfectly now, as they did before. Nor did I do any system changes.

Error?! Please help me!
(33 posts, started )