The yellow flag indication is the number of yellow flags your car has caused even if no-one else is there - as per INSIM specification, at a maximum of 1 per sector - as per STCC-SRA system specification.
Before I do anything regarding implementing modifications to the licence field I think I will make some kind of $reportyellow command that turns on reporting of when a yellow is registered and then people can report any glitches, and see for themselves just when they are throwing yellows out.
I tested the system quite extensively, and whilst it does have limitations, it does seem to work - but i'm not prepared to wager money on it and that isn't only because I dont have any

. The data the system shows is only useful when looking at the extremes. Some people have lots and lots of laps with only a handful of yellows - some people have more yellows than laps, there is a third category of inbetweens.
On the whole there is three distinct groupings when plotted, which suggests it is driving style / racing methodology that is influencing the result.