America now invading Africa.....
(67 posts, started )
America now invading Africa.....
I hope this makes all Africans feel safer, after all with the current US track record if your country has any wealth, oil, minerals, etc then I suggest building a bunker now.

"Bush Approves U.S. Army for Africa

The Herald (Harare)
April 3, 2007
Posted to the web April 3, 2007

By Isdore Guvamombe
UNITED States President George Bush has approved the formation of a U.S. army to permanently operate in Africa, a move viewed by many as part of a wide plan to increase American hegemony on Africa.

The army called the U.S. African Command, was approved by Mr Bush on February 2, 2007 and US$50 million was last week injected in the project that should see the army being fully operational by 2008.

Navy Rear Admiral Robert Moellar, previously the special assistant to the commander of U.S. Central Command is heading the transitional team tasked to establish the army.

In yesterday's report, The American Thinker said: "The goal is to have Africom fully operational by the end of fiscal 2008, and that establishing the command will not adversely affect operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

"Also, Africom will cost about $50 million in fiscal year 2007, and costs for 2008 are still being evaluated."

The American Thinker, also reported that "Adm. Moeller was now at European Command headquarters in Stuttgart, Germany, planning for the activation of the command, which will hopefully, be physically located on the continent."

Yesterday, the People's Daily Online, reported that the U.S. was struggling to find a suitable African country to host the African Command.

The U.S. would have wanted to place the base in Algeria but the government of that country vehemently refused and the U.S. is now scouting for another country, especially one with access to the sea.

Mohamed Bedjaoui, the Algerian Foreign Affairs Minister was yesterday reported in the People's Daily Online as having strongly questioned the motive behind the military venture.

"He questioned why no one had ever proposed for any anti-terror co-operation with Algeria in the 1990s when terrorist violence went rampant and wrought havoc?"

A week prior to Mr Bush's approval, General William Ward, the deputy chief of Pentagon's European Command recently told journalists in Washington that the absence of a fully-fledged American military headquarters in Africa had long been cause for concern for the Americans.

"Over the past several months, senior military leaders have publicly discussed the potential benefits of creating a unified command in Africa.

"The secretary of defence has forwarded a proposal to the White House on a potential way of redesigning the unified command," he said.

However, analysts say African leaders should be wary of the move that appears meant to protect American interests in milking Africa of its resources and effecting illegal regime changes on the continent."

Keep your views on politics someplace else please
"However, analysts say African leaders should be wary of the move that appears meant to protect American interests in milking Africa of its resources and effecting illegal regime changes on the continent."

Not just my views by the look of it.

Point noted tho Tweaker, I'll be more careful of thread headers in future
hell africans need to be safe have you seen life there??? look around every corner and every kid has a damn gun, its scary as anything!
they need to freaking calm down, so many people are killed in africa every day it makes the war on terror a joke
Quote from Racer X NZ :Point noted tho Tweaker, I'll be more careful of thread headers in future

Well, Bush will be gone soon enough
Not soon enough imho
wait wait... racer, you're blaming this on Bush?
Bush is the one to sign these things you know? History class should've taught you that :doh: What else would it be... him signing his autograph for fans?

Besides that, Bush just keeps on rollin' the dice with all these things when he is still in term. Definitely going to be leaving his marks with many mistakes we'll have to clean up.

I despise politics, im outta this, lol.
(XCNuse) DELETED by XCNuse

i haven't read the whole thing yet either lol

if it is war, bush has no say anyways, he can send troops for 60 days, but after that if congress doesn't declare war then he has to pull them out (and its rediculously costly)
but.. i dont think we're going to war in this case though
Quote from XCNuse :
if it is war, bush has no say anyways, he can send troops for 60 days, but after that if congress doesn't declare war then he has to pull them out (and its rediculously costly)
but.. i dont think we're going to war in this case though

That's true, but they've been in Iraq a lot longer than a couple of months and there's been no declaration of war - not even close. Hell, they've been there longer than the US was involved in WW2! Just goes to illustrate the respect President Shrub has for Congress, the Consitution, the UN Charter, human life in general, I could go on but noone deserves that
Quote from XCNuse :hell africans need to be safe have you seen life there??? look around every corner and every kid has a damn gun, its scary as anything!
they need to freaking calm down, so many people are killed in africa every day it makes the war on terror a joke

I'm concerned about the situation in united states. have you seen life there??? look around every conrner and every kid has a damn gun, its scary as anything! I think some major troops should be deployed to usa to calm that s**t down.
As for that farce of an election in 2000 - hell, they shoulda sent in the UN and forced a recount! That or Gore should have grown a pair and exercised his friggin' rights. What kind of alleged "beacon of democracy" has its leader appointed by a stacked supreme court? Thomas Jefferson is probably still spinning in his grave. He would've reached about a gazillion rpm by now...
Quote :As for that farce of an election in 2000 - hell, they shoulda sent in the UN and forced a recount!

The one where dead people voted for Bush, people registered as online voters when they didn't vote, and gangs waited outside polling stations in California to deny minorities the chance to vote for the other guy? I thought Bush only got 49% in that election despite all this.

I'm still trying to figure out why he's in power, and why the American people haven't kicked him out.

Same reason we still have Blair over here I think.
Is this another scapegoat knee jerk thread? I've been to a lot of countries, and it's the same everywhere.. there's always a foreigner that's responsible for this or that woe.
Some farmer in some middle of nowhere countryside blaming his grandma's life threatening diarrhea on Bush, or Global Warming, or whatever.

Politicians in the US are corrupt, and how is this different from pretty much anywhere else in the world? The Democrats are as crooked as the Republicans, so while Bush is definitely on his way out, with all but a nice size 12 boot print on his dumb ass, there's little chance that his replacement will be any better... It will be someone with different qualities and shortcomings, but overall as deserving of praise as pretty much any politician in D.C.

Guns were a daily practice up until recently, in the US, as High Schools regularly kept a rifling practice. "the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."
Every other amendment in the US Constitution hinges upon the second. Take it away, and that big US government you so fear will be multiple times as unrestricted in its erosion of civil rights and liberties.. The US will become a nanny state just like most, if not all other, countries, because people will have given up ruling by their own will, selling their free will to some machine that "knows what's best for you".
#15 - JTbo
Isn't Bush just a puppet of those that really have power to decide course of actions and direction of country?

Anyway I find it bit worrying that country that has quite large negative account balance spends even more to military, if US goes down it means rest of world economy will go down too and US is playing with fire in this matter what I have heard from people who do understand something about money stuff
Well, the US history in Africa isn't else than just civil wars, spreading the hunger and backing up the local evil doers for their own good...

Bananas, anyone?
I really don't understand why the people of America haven't organized a revolution, if I had a President like that, I would.

The USA is far from democracy, for starters their President election and two-party systems are ridiculous. In proper democracy people have the right to choose their candidates from wide range of parties and the one getting more votes wins. In the age old system they are using, the one getting less votes can actually win, even without cheating. It's not democracy where majority rules like it should. Well, it looks like the power is on the inner elite around Bush anyway, probably he is just a puppet playing cowboy games. I'd go far as saying that USA heading for anti-democratic police state.

It's a mess, and like Becky, I can't understand why Bush is still on charge either.

By the way, is there any law stopping Bush getting re-elected for a third season? Or has he, like our neighbor Putin, overruled such silly laws?
#18 - JTbo
Quote from Blackout :I really don't understand why the people of America haven't organized a revolution, if I had a President like that, I would.

Yeah, there would be then you, maybe me if it fits to my schedule and that 3rd guy which we are uncertain is part of revolution, but he just tends stick around, here is just too much of those sheeps that accept everything so I guess it is same in US too
Quote from Hankstar :As for that farce of an election in 2000 - hell, they shoulda sent in the UN and forced a recount!

Election Rigged
Quote :Computer programmer Clinton Curtis testifying that Congressman Tom Feeney hired him to prepare vote-rigging software.

Quote from JTbo :Yeah, there would be then you, maybe me if it fits to my schedule and that 3rd guy which we are uncertain is part of revolution, but he just tends stick around, here is just too much of those sheeps that accept everything so I guess it is same in US too

You forgot he 4th guy who came only because he had heard about free beer
Quote from Blackout :In the age old system they are using, the one getting less votes can actually win, even without cheating.

We have the same thing in our parliament elections. Screw every voting system that's not direct and based on the actual number of votes.

Too bad the whole democracy thing bases on manipulation of the voters..

Africa is a mess. First euros messed it up with our time of colonization (and/or imperialism) and then the usa joined in. But hey, free resources for anyone who can control the poor.
Quote from Hyperactive :You forgot he 4th guy who came only because he had heard about free beer

That guy is everywhere!
Quote from JTbo :if US goes down it means rest of world economy will go down too and US is playing with fire in this matter what I have heard from people who do understand something about money stuff

Give it another year or two then China and India will be the dominate economies (unreliant on USA as much, because they will have big enough internal markets as the standard of living increases there ) The growing influence of the Chinese markets was demonstrated recently when the speculators in the Chinese stock market got the wind put up them by the Chinese Govonment the market dipped dramatically and over night the rest of the world markets (including the US markets) took a nose dive...
#24 - JTbo
Quote from Glenn67 :Give it another year or two then China and India will be the dominate economies (unreliant on USA as much, because they will have big enough internal markets as the standard of living increases there ) The growing influence of the Chinese markets was demonstrated recently when the speculators in the Chinese stock market got the wind put up them by the Chinese Govonment the market dipped dramatically and over night the rest of the world markets (including the US markets) took a nose dive...

Yes, then it is follow to their laws and ways or be bankrupt for most of countries and they have conquered the earth Well could be even worse
Quote from Julppu :We have the same thing in our parliament elections. Screw every voting system that's not direct and based on the actual number of votes.

The system isn't all that bad. In Finland, for example, how would you guarentee that all parts of the land get "their share" of the places in parliament? We have 2 095 416 people in southern province and 26 530 in Åland State Province. The nothern part of Finland (Lapland Province) has 187,777 people living there. Looking at the map, the population of Finland is heavily based on the southern part and if the election method changed to most-votes-from-all it would totally rule out the chance of people presenting the north in the parliament.



America now invading Africa.....
(67 posts, started )