The online racing simulator
UKCT..F1 League
(22 posts, started )

Poll : Would you be interested in a formula 1 league right here in LFS!?

UKCT..F1 League
Good evening racers!

UKCT would like to offer you the chance to race in a proffesional formula 1 league right here in LFS! Since there havent been a well known league of this kind for some time, we decided to promote this type of racing further!

Please reply to the poll attached, so that i can get a general idea whether you would be interested in such a league.

No arrangements have been made for the league, this is purely a survey to see if there is much interest. Should there be interest in the league, i shall start planning.

The league will be ran in the summer season. (july - august)



der butz
Yes! I most definatly would. I would be suprised if someone disagreed with this.
+1 would be a change
Sure, that would be nice
who said no? i want to go find them and smack them with a tree stump
Quote from XCNuse :who said no? i want to go find them and smack them with a tree stump

Jakg Did!
#8 - Jakg
i may not like the BF1, but why the hell does me voting no affect whether it runs or not? it only needs 15 odd people to do it.

(I didn't vote no, btw, i haven't voted at all)
votes so far 14-1 in favour. (09:46 6th April). Voting will continue over the weekend and results gathered on monday for review... poll may be extended.
#10 - Nobo
Quote from DANDAMAN05 :
Since there havent been a well known league of this kind for some time, we decided to promote this type of racing further!

Hey Dan!
OWRL F1 League starting tomorrow.
But hey there is place enough in LFS for more then 1 F1 League.
Good luck m8!
OWRL is for teams only, and it lasts from April to October.

This two months league during the summer season is a very good deal
Quote from LFSn00b :Ok... I would be interested

Your always interested in leagues lol. how many are you in now?

I think it'd be a good idea, i know one driver from my team who would do it, but non of us drive the BF1 so this is a good idea imo
I'd **** up, as long as Sam is in it, I'll have someone to crash.
results so far... 21-5 in favour.

'ALDI - yea sorry about that, didnt realise that was happening. This series will be run in the summer break anyway :P

as it stands at the moment, the league will go ahead. A sign up thread with all the details will be posted within the week.
Dan, don't you haffto save that for the team meeting tonight?
yes... thats why i said as it stands :P all admin sides of the league will be discussed tonight with UKCT.
I am interested in this. BF1 with sensible people would be a nice change
I'm definately interested!
It would be fun to race with the real team liveries though..(ferrari, renault, redbull etc.)
#19 - Dru
Quote from FOGlegsy :I am interested in this. BF1 with sensible people would be a nice change

LOL depends who they allow to sign up
Of course, this is a splendid idea.
it seems that there is interest in this league... i'll try and call a UKCT team meeting, to discuss the planning / organisation.

Offical league verification will be realsed shortly. (meaning a absolute final decision on whether the league will go ahead will be shortly released.
i would love to enter a proper BF1 league, some Pub servers running them, well... they aint the best place to race

UKCT..F1 League
(22 posts, started )