ive just driven around blackwood on multiplayer and i was in the lead and after 4 laps my tyres were f00ked surely this isnt realistic and when most races are 5 laps and some even eight its hard to race.
You weren't drifting or sliding a lot were you? There's a sure way to kill your tires. I just got finished with a 25 lap race at Blackwood myself, and I coulda done at least 10 more laps on my tires. Granted I'm not the fastest; high 1:26 in the XRT at BLGP is my best I think. Maybe low 1:26. I forget, I wish LFS stored your offline PB's
I can make softer tyres last 15 laps at a longer course in a more powerful car.
Also make sure you're not running stupidly low tyre pressures or excess camber.
I have a sneaking suspicion that you are talking about tyre temperatures rather then wear though, and that you're drifting the XRT around and have melted the rears.
If your rear tyres were very worn after only a few laps it is probably due to excess wheel spin. Be smoother on the throttle if you are using wheel and pedals. If you are not using wheel and pedals then perhaps you might consider it?
Repeatedly locking up under braking can also deplete your tyres in a short time.
It isn't too difficult to make your tyres last if you are always concious of these types of things.
Well i use a setup which was given to me in one of the other threads which was near to the lowest, i asked for a quick lap time setup to get me into the 26's so maybe the setup is designed for 2 maybe 3 laps and ive been using it continuesly.
that is probably the problem.
but i want to be able to do 10 laps but still be able to get into 26's is it possible if i raise the pressures.
It boils down to while racing you dont always want to go as fast as you can. This is fine during a qual session where you just need one good lap for position.
I am on about the pace you adopt in a race. I call it race pace but others might have a different name for it. Its the fastest pace you know you can put in lap after lap after lap taking into account mechanical sympathy at the same time.
Just a slight ease off on your qual lap time and your tires will last. This will make your overall race time faster because you will not need to pit.
Rememebr, a race is the fastest overall speed not the fastest over one lap. This is just the battle all race drivers have to deal with.
I think you've hit the nail on the head. Considering Blackwood has a VERY long straight section, you can probably get a similar time with longer tire life by increasing tire pressure.