Remove "Too many clicks, wait xx"
Why is this here in the first place?

Refreshing every 20 seconds to see if there is a free spot in a server, I suddenly get the message "Too many clicks, please wait 40 seconds"

Can't this be removed?
why its there?
cuz of flodding.
just think of that: 1000 users click refresh/join/whatever at the same time like mad, guess what the master server does act like?
im by myself havent gotten that message for over a year now, and i change server often or try to join one cuz a player is already connecting
When you press a few times in a few seconds, alright. But I left enough time between when I refreshed, and I still get this :/
my question is what do u need to refresh so often for?
The solution to this is the previously suggested queing system for popular servers. The master server needs some form of DoS protection, this is it.
#6 - Renku
Actually the "Can't enter pits- player connecting" is the most annoying.
'Too many clicks' shouldn't be removed. Wouldn't want a bunch of LFS DoS attacks!
I have a bit of trouble with the 'Too Many Clicks' function as well. I accept why it has to be there, but when trying to join a full server it's a pig, especially when getting updated information on the server means refreshing all 600-odd servers from the main list. I think a queue system for joining full servers would be a good solution - there wouldn't be flooding to the main server, but there wouldn't be the frustration of waiting and clicking just to get into a server either.

Another useful feature would be the ability to find information on a server from the 'Join Specific Game' menu, this would probably stop the issues the click-limiter brings about too.

Dark Elite - try using the server filters to save having to re-ping all 600 servers. Also if you know the name you can just entered it without having to browse.

I have to say though, I've never had a problem with full servers. Only the servers running the boring/overused combos get full, and I don't go there.
Then it would be awesome to have some kind of "Join server when there is a free spot" feature.
Quote from Sternendaal :When you press a few times in a few seconds, alright. But I left enough time between when I refreshed, and I still get this :/

Man, i refresh like mad and NEVER had this message shown to me...