The online racing simulator
Help with On screen display
(5 posts, started )
Help with On screen display
Been playing LFS for a while now, trying to tweak my racing view. I'm driving with this view right now (attached pic)

I was wondering if there's any way to remove the steering axis from that view. It's kind of distracting, so can you do away with it?

also, on the right hand side, the speedometer, i prefer km/h, so the numbers get really bunched up and it looks terribly messy. Any way to change the scale to show km/h for ever 30 or 40 km/h?

your help is much appreciated.
Attached images
No, this line goes together with the virtual clocks in the custom view

If you want to hide it you have to disable the virtual clocks and leave only the reals on.

About the speedometer now, there is an option in Display Settings (4th from the top) called "Digital speedo" set it to yes to have a digital speedometer instead of the analogue. (much more convenient imo)

So in short is no & no, but there are some alternatives
Well thanks anyway, the alternatives were helpful

just need to get a renault skin for the helmet and steering wheel to make this picture complete.

Thank you, looks like a lot of customizing possible, very interesting stuff

Help with On screen display
(5 posts, started )