The online racing simulator
Setup for the Formula v8 car on Oval?
(8 posts, started )
Setup for the Formula v8 car on Oval?
So far i really like driving FO8 on the track Oval, but the one i'am driving against, is always like 5 sec ahead of me, i mean on the lap time i get around 40 sec and they get around 35-36, how is that possible? I'am not the best driver, because i'am very new, but is there some modification that i can give my car?
Try the attatched setup mate, it should get you a bit faster. However, its not just down to speed, its down to the lines you take also to shave off the 100ths of a second.

Put the setup in your LFS S2\data\settings folder.
Attached files
FORMULA V8_ky1_aNiBa562.set - 132 B - 638 views
Learn to drive on a proper track, where you really need to understand the benfits of line, smoothness and technique, and you'll have no problems at the oval...
#4 - th84
i cant believe im gonna say this but..... i agree with tristan. :P i dont think the oval is the best place to learn the car!! its all gas and no brakes!! and also MOST of the people you will find on the oval server are complete jerks with no patience for "noobs"!! but here is my oval set if you wanna give it a go!!
Hmm i see, thanks for the advices, i'll just drop the Formula cars for now then, and try to learn the other cars first, and thanks for the setup file 2, it may come in handy one day =)
#6 - th84
i didnt mean u should drop the formula cars! they are really fun. try them on something like as club or even blackwood!! the formula xr on blackwood seems to be pretty popular! maybe give that a shot!! i will add a set for that combo too if you would like to use it!
Formula XR is, surprisingly, an excellent 'noob' car. Not too hard to do okayish times (i.e. within 6 seconds of WR at most tracks), fairly easy to get with 3 seconds of WR, but damn hard to really master...

Difference to WR is based on normal circuit configs, not oval times.
Quote from tristancliffe :Formula XR is, surprisingly, an excellent 'noob' car. Not too hard to do okayish times (i.e. within 6 seconds of WR at most tracks), fairly easy to get with 3 seconds of WR, but damn hard to really master...

Difference to WR is based on normal circuit configs, not oval times.

Sounds like the saying for the game Scrabble:

"Minutes to learn, years to master"

I love scrabble lol

Setup for the Formula v8 car on Oval?
(8 posts, started )