Realistic automatic transmissions
First off I know what everyone is going to say! "Manuals are made for racing, autos suck!".. Well, I'll agree with you 100% there but..hear me out.

I think it would be a pretty neat 'add-on' to have a realistic sounding/shifting automatic transmission in the game, sometimes I like the ease of just pressing the gas and the brake. The current auto doesn't do a very good job. It rarley downshifts when you NEED the power and doesn't particularly sounds like one either. If you guys do implement this in I'm quite certain it will be the second game ever to have it, Enthusia has done this and they did a GREAT job with them. If i could get that kind of experience in LFS it would be awesome.

Just something I wanted to add, not sure if anyone will agree with me but I figured I'd give it a go.
The current automatric transmission, is not an auto. It is an aid that drives the manual for you. Actually simulating an auto box would, in a way, be a more realisitic solution. I'm not sure if it would have any place in a race sim though.
Quote from Bob Smith :The current automatric transmission, is not an auto. It is an aid that drives the manual for you. Actually simulating an auto box would, in a way, be a more realisitic solution. I'm not sure if it would have any place in a race sim though.

Point taken.. But I do have to say that not every car that races is always a manual.. I have seen lots of cars on tracks that are equipped with automatics.

Since the XF/XRG/XRT/RB4/FXO are technically road cars, I think it would be more realistic should I say to have both transmission options available. And both sound/operate realistically.

Just my opinion.
Need an auto option with. Drive, park, reverse, nuetral I think there is another but I can't think of it.
I think we should add a CVT car, but keep the rest how it is. I think one or two drivers in LFS with disabilities use the auto gears because they can't use manual for one reason or another.
#6 - wark
Automatic transmissions are for cripples.

edit: duke toaster beat me
Actually the STCC ban on drivers with automatic gears and blip/cut has been lifted in a few cases to allow drivers who do not have the dexterity (for whatever reason) to be able to operate the game controller in that manner.

So how about not being so inconsiderate and thoughtless about differently abled people wark.

Coming from the country with the straightest and most boring roads in the world, and the highest ratio of automatics to "stick shifts" (cars with an H gate gearbox where the clutch and gears are manually operated, y'know, good ones) I think that's terminally hypocritical.
wark - and what's to stop cripples from playing LFS?

I know you intended it as a joke but it's also easy to get offended from statements like that.
first of all ... whats the point ? the current driver aid does a relativly good job for anybody who for whatever reason cant or doesnt want to shift manually and everybody else uses manual anyway

and now for the killer argument ... its a british sim with most cars looking thoroughly european or japanese no one in their right frame of mind (ie anybody who isnt american ) would ever even consider going to a track with one of these cars with an automatic
#10 - wark
Quote from Bob Smith :wark - and what's to stop cripples from playing LFS?

I know you intended it as a joke but it's also easy to get offended from statements like that.

I meant IRL. The bit about toaster beating me clouds that up I see.

My own mother must drive slush boxes due to nerve damage. That's not funny. Able-bodied people driving them are!
the point is simply LFS is a simulation, automatic exist in real life.. Isn't a simulation suppose to mimick real life as close as possible?

Basically what I'm saying is I beleive automatics should function like autos in LFS, granite people don't use them but why can't they atleast function like they should? it wouldn't be hurting anybody.
Hmm I looked through the forum this morning (not search just skimmed through pages) and thats the first time I've seen that thread, I wouldnt have made my own had I saw that one.
#14 - wark
Quote from contourSVT :the point is simply LFS is a simulation, automatic exist in real life.. Isn't a simulation suppose to mimick real life as close as possible?

Basically what I'm saying is I beleive automatics should function like autos in LFS, granite people don't use them but why can't they atleast function like they should? it wouldn't be hurting anybody.

But going with that train of thought, LFS is a racing simulator, therefore it should simulate what and how people race (probably under at least mostly ideal circumstances).

I've said it once, and I'll say it again: It is harmful because,
1) If the auto gear shift feature LFS currently has were to be removed, it would be totally shafting the aforementioned guys who actually need it to race, because an accurately reproduced slushbox is that much worse.
2) It would take way too much of Scawen's valuable time to accurately create this, a chunk of code so massive, and yet so despised and so unused. Not worth it.
Quote from Shotglass :and now for the killer argument ... its a british sim with most cars looking thoroughly european or japanese no one in their right frame of mind (ie anybody who isnt american ) would ever even consider going to a track with one of these cars with an automatic

Ouch, low blow.

I do have to agree with you though, the automatic driving aid is just fine.. My one armed friend can play LFS just great with the mouse and doesn't complain about the shifting at all.

(Yes, I really do have a friend with one arm, and yes, he is actually ok at LFS :P)