Ack.. you should have got points, I *think*. I'll flag for Becky to investigate.
Just to explain a little, we've (I keep saying "we", and while I'm involved in the whole thing, Becky's the brains) kinda lunged into the next phase of STCC development, which ("we") reckon will get everyone excited and enthusiastic all over again. However, while developing, it's become apparent that some urgent issues exist with the current race manager.
Tonight's changes have been a bit of a retrograde from the current stage of development in order to meet these immediate needs. We didn't have time to properly test it this evening - I was in for one race, to make sure that the server didn't crash at the end, and to make sure that points were not given where they shouldn't have been. It's possible that a little extra tweaking is necessary. Please bear with us.. it will be worth it!