I am nowhere near running out of buttons on my pad.
D-pad up - Flash lights
D-pad left and right - look left and right
D-pad down - look backwards.
Left analog stick - steer
Right analog stick up and down - combined throttle and brake (inverted)
X - Unused
Square - Unused
O - Unused
Triangle - Unused
R1 - Clutch
L1 - Handbrake
L2 - Down gear
R2 - Up gear
No problem with me
@ Gimp - I think it would be physics incompatible. For leagues, I imagine that it would be per-driver but on public servers I feel sure it would be "all FZRs get 10kg, all XRRs get 5" or similar.
D-pad up - Flash lights
D-pad left and right - look left and right
D-pad down - look backwards.
Left analog stick - steer
Right analog stick up and down - combined throttle and brake (inverted)
X - Unused
Square - Unused
O - Unused
Triangle - Unused
R1 - Clutch
L1 - Handbrake
L2 - Down gear
R2 - Up gear
No problem with me

@ Gimp - I think it would be physics incompatible. For leagues, I imagine that it would be per-driver but on public servers I feel sure it would be "all FZRs get 10kg, all XRRs get 5" or similar.