Actually, since we're on the topic - a disturbing trend has recently gained a foot hold, at least here in my neck of the woods.
People are now using the word "myself" in the most foolish fashion, in an attempt to - ironically - sound more learned and studious. Phrases like this: "If you have any questions, please see myself following the presentation". Or, "Please leave the donations with myself". Or, "Please leave the donations with Fred or myself" etc. :vomit:
What the hell is this all about? I can't stand it. It's difficult enough for people to grasp proper use of the words "I" and "me", without throwing another word into the mix. If you're not referring to ... yourself (!) ... then the word "myself" is never, ever to be used. I've never seen it on this forum, but I hear it regularly during public speeches and in corporate emails.
It might even be worse than saying you care when you don't.