The online racing simulator

Poll : As it is now or change anything

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Continue as it is
I want to change what I typed in the thread
#1 - Cawwa
How to proceed
Short info, in fact very short info since nothing have happened.

As I understand it we in Team XFR had green light to continue this league. The thing is that we haven't got any info yet, we haven't got admins right over this part of the forum or anything.

We want to continue as the league is right now till the end of this part. That means the race April 24th is what counts.

If you guys out there thinks the same or don't think it's a good idea please post here in this thread.
I have sent a message to Victor via the webmaster; should be hearing from him soon.

Sorry for the delay, sir!
#3 - Cawwa
Oh dang, I just did the same ... . Should be a lesson to check here first.
By the way, Cawwa, by handing over the sanctioning of this league to you, I am giving you full right of the name, concept and creative managing. By no means will I interject and oppose any changes you may have in mind now, or in the future.

Just wanted to let you know that, for posterity's sake. I know great things will happen in your hands and under team XFR.
#5 - Cawwa
Thank you for the confidence you show us Jay. Let's hope we can live up to it.
There isn't much we want to change as it is now, actually nothing at all. The concept is good, your ground is good and your performance with the pace car astonishing! Do we dare to ask if you want to continue to drive it, as an honored founder of this league?

I just hope we can ask you for advice when that times comes.
#6 - Cawwa
Oh, Jayhawk .. is it possible for us to have your server for back up this race?
Quote from Cawwa :your ground is good and your performance with the pace car astonishing! Do we dare to ask if you want to continue to drive it, as an honored founder of this league?

Sure! That will be no problem. I'll be there next week to do one lap.
#8 - Cawwa
Quote from jayhawk :Sure! That will be no problem. I'll be there next week to do one lap.

So the pace car is drived by jayhawk ... ... most appreciated.
#9 - Cawwa
Oki, for now the league continue as it is. Of course suggestions for changes are always welcome.