Can RAF be created without LFS installed?
Sorry if this has been brought up before, I can't seem to find anything on it.

So can a RAF file be created from an SPR file without having LFS installed?
Is there some other application available to do this & if not could one be created to do so?

I suspect not but had to ask.
Afraid not. LFS is the only thing that can convert (s|m)pr's to rafs.
Nope, not possible.
An SPR file contains the driver inputs (steer, brakes, etc.). A RAF file contains the car's state (speed, position, etc.). To generate a RAF file from an SPR all the physics calculations must be done again, and LFS is the only program that can do this.

This is also the reason why you can not view replays that were made with "old" versions of LFS i.e., versions from before the last change in the physics.
O.K makes sense and thanks guys.
Thought as much but like I said, I just had to ask the LFS guru's just in case.
AFAIK it's not currently possible, but it would be nice if we could run LFS from the command line and tell it to output a RAF of the fastest lap in a SPR.