The online racing simulator
Blackwood Rev Turn 1...



Quote from deggis :I'm all for this too but not until a major tyre physics improvement. Think FZ5 with default setup: THE HORROR, THE HORROR...

and "MAFIA TO ALMIGHTY" - think of joystick (or volant like me) users not revving the boost before start with brake on :/

btw: following DaveWS (as experienced in cooperation) - this leak sounds fake or unapriopriate
Quote from Moonclaw :180 degree wheel makes it possible to drive a setup that would make you mad at proper steering degrees.

If you were so inclined, you can do that with a G25 / DFP also.
Quote from spankmeyer :Forced setups, no thank you, but I do vote +1 for lot of setup options removed from road cars.

QFE. -1 for forced setups and +1 for less setup options on road cars.
Why forced setups anyway? What use will this be for normal public racing? I like when joining a combo I have never done to make a setup out of one I allready have and tweak it after i've drove it. I'd also quite happily send the setup to anyone who asked for it, but at the end of the day it's not going to even anything out, as it will suit some and not others.

Also allowing 'some' changes? What about the people who don't know what to change?

I really don't see what would be of use to have forced setups for everyone, unless it's in a league which want's to do it, but still I don't think it will be any use as some people will like it and some wont.

+1 for the start idea though and AFAIK the handbrake is what stops the car rolling on the start line, so no worries about the ccars rolling away on blackwood.
Quote from Bawbag :Why forced setups anyway? What use will this be for normal public racing?

Probably not much, but for leagues (stock vehicle league would be fun?) it could be useful, although my opinion doesn't seem to be the popular one..
#57 - Tube
+1 for racing with "stock cars" if it's a realistic setup. The winner would be the best racer instead of the guy who can abuse the setup physics the most.
Optional forced setups, if used properly, would be interesting. Agreed it's probably best on a minority of servers, those aimed at specific audiences rather than your general drop-in-and-wipe-out server.
Quote from Tube : The winner would be the best racer instead of the guy who can abuse the setup physics the most.

duh abuse the the setup physics? illepall
btw its an VERY OFTEN discussed theme, and it always ended the same way.
not every driver can handle the default set, as everyone has a different driving style which the setup doesnt support.
i have nothing against the implementation of such a feature, but im sure servers using this option wouldnt be very popular.
Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo :If you were so inclined, you can do that with a G25 / DFP also.

It is irrelevant whether I can set my G25 to 40 degrees lock because it subtracts from the realism. Car has 540 for example, I set my wheel to 540. I am sure I am not the only one who seeks realism instead of attempting to falsify driving "skill" with impossible steering response.
Quote from Bawbag :Why forced setups anyway? What use will this be for normal public racing?

Well given the fact half the cars are supposedly road cars that actually end up as production racing cars on road tires due to the ridiculous freedom of setup. I'd like to see some servers where the TBO class isn't an FXO whitewash because everybody's using locked diffs (whatever the arguments about whether it's possible it does not happen routinely IRL). I'd also love for some servers to actually have proper road going cars. The options to allow this are simple, either reduce setup options, which will no doubt result in a load of complaints or allow servers to force/restrict setups.
Quote from [RCG]Boosted :not every driver can handle the default set, as everyone has a different driving style which the setup doesnt support.

That is such a bogus argument. If a person can't handle the RACE_S set, they should go play Need For Speed. If two guys take stock Porsche 911s out on the track and one guy wins, it's not because the stock setup "favored his driving style", it's because he is the better driver.
Quote from Moonclaw :It is irrelevant whether I can set my G25 to 40 degrees lock because it subtracts from the realism. Car has 540 for example, I set my wheel to 540. I am sure I am not the only one who seeks realism instead of attempting to falsify driving "skill" with impossible steering response.

I don't recall arguing in favour of doing it, my point was that it could be done. This means that your previous argument about setups using silly lock is irrelevant. I use the same lock as the car in LFS specifies as well (except I don't change from 720 wheel, because in the sub-720 cars the wheel still works the same when set at 720). And there's nothing wrong with forcing a setup but still having the proper things adjustable - like lock. It has nothing to do with how far your physical wheel turns anyway

Quote from Cue-Ball :That is such a bogus argument. If a person can't handle the RACE_S set, they should go play Need For Speed. If two guys take stock Porsche 911s out on the track and one guy wins, it's not because the stock setup "favored his driving style", it's because he is the better driver.

And that really is the fundamental reason to want this option.

In fact, I bet that - even in terms of public pick up races - if I started a server with stock only cars, people would come to play it.
I agree on having setup restrictions, both ways. Remove certain adjustments on certain cars and the amount of possible adjustment in LFS altogether and allow server admins to do whatever they want with the setup they choose ppl to use, exept for steering lock, strategy, wheel turn, and maybe tire manufacturer. In fact I'd like to hear one valid argument on why wouldn't it be a good thing to do. I bet most of the public server admins wouldn't even use restrictive setup options.

Quote from Bawbag :Also allowing 'some' changes? What about the people who don't know what to change?

If they don't know what to change with a small amount of possibilities, how would they be better off with a large amount of possibilities?

Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo the sub-720 cars the wheel still works the same when set at 720

Umm, it doesn't. Your wheel would still turn 720 degrees, not 540 in a GTR car, unless I'm missing something here.
Quote from kompa :Umm, it doesn't. Your wheel would still turn 720 degrees, not 540 in a GTR car, unless I'm missing something here.

I realize that, but the wheel turn still matches the car 1:1, it's just that the physical wheel will still turn further after the virtual one stops. Without changing anything in windows, this is the simplest way to have 1:1 steering in LFS - leave windows at 720, and leave LFS at 720. Then your virtual wheel will always match the physical one, save for the fact that you can turn the physical one futher in cars with less than 720. If you change the wheel turn in LFS but not windows, you no longer have 1:1 steering.

I guess I wasn't too specific about what I meant, sorry about that.
Since this post has turned into its own 'improvement suggestions' thread I think it belongs in the right section.
@BBT: :doh: That's right, yeah...thanks for explaining! Saves a bit of trouble not having to go to the controller options. I can't feel the force lock anyways with a good amount of FFB going.
If we have forced setups, please could we have an option of a choice from 3?

I.E. IRL in FRenault there are 3 permitted gear ratio sets. If 3 sets are made, a tight (high DF, short gear ratios), medium (medium DF and medium gear ratios) and loose (low DF, long gear ratios) a driver would be able to select which they find is more suitable for the track and their driving style, but would not be able to change that.
That's 3 sets for a season, not for an individual circuit. For a circuit there's really only one downforce and gearing combination you want to use.
Quote from duke_toaster :I.E. IRL in FRenault there are 3 permitted gear ratio sets. If 3 sets are made, a tight (high DF, short gear ratios), medium (medium DF and medium gear ratios) and loose (low DF, long gear ratios) a driver would be able to select which they find is more suitable for the track and their driving style, but would not be able to change that.

Missed the point here, Formula Renault do not have fixed or a limited set of setup options like you described. Having three sets of ratios is simply a cost saving measure meaning whoever commissions the gearbox (Renault) can bulk order one set of ratios plus three different final drive ratios. Total freedom wouldn't really add anything and would mean teams would have to buy gear ratios direct from the manufacturers, which means they pay more and don't end up with the easy option of buying parts from one place (Formula Renault is the type of racing that tends to attract teams that are very good at bolting parts together and looking impressive rather than actual engineers). In other forms of motor racing where the gear ratios are free a team would never actually use much more variation than that anyway. Formula Renaults have free setup choice, but you'll find that IRL they'll make a lot less changes than one would make in LFS, sticking with what works and adjusting for an imperfect car, a big aspect that is missing from LFS.
Quote from ajp71 :Formula Renaults have free setup choice, but you'll find that IRL they'll make a lot less changes than one would make in LFS, sticking with what works and adjusting for an imperfect car, a big aspect that is missing from LFS.

isnt it more like fr missing the expertise and track time to adjust setups more rather than that lfs is missing a lack of those 2 ?
Quote from Shotglass :isnt it more like fr missing the expertise and track time to adjust setups more rather than that lfs is missing a lack of those 2 ?

RL has three major differences:

1) Limited track time

2) Varying weather/conditions. More than just rain/temp/wind the surface is always slightly unpredictable etc.

3) The car is never the same, even the stiffest carbon tubbed car is like a living thing after a session it'll always have twisted itself into a slightly different shape. Bolts loosen meaning the geometry changes a bit meaning to get even weight distribution requires corner weights and a lot of fiddling (in LFS you just check symmetric suspension). Also remember a lot of time and effort is spent on ensuring the thing that goes out will stay together in a single seater every suspension/driveshaft bolt has to be checked before any session, and they do come loose. In LFS you never have to do what real race teams spend most of their efforts doing, you only ever have to do the icing on the cake.

So yes to an extent you are right that in a perfect world Formula Renault would spend hours refining the kind of edgy setups found in LFS. A lot of sim racers seem to be full of themselves though reckoning they can set a car up better than real teams, the reality of the matter is though that sim racing is not real life and nK is the only sim to have even touched on making an attempt at accurate car setup/management. Most teams will use something more in line with easy race. The LFS sets just wouldn't be able to cope with real conditions/suprises when being pushed real racers always have to go for that extra safety margin, no real life driver puts as much risk into the equation as people do in LFS, can you honestly say there's been a league race you've trained/tested/qualified and raced for without damaging the car at least once along the way?
Quote from ajp71 :...

you are of course correct but my point is real life is lacking things sims have (like being immortal) which im sure rl drivers would love to have
and i think this also goes for the spending hours just to get the car running bit

so bottom line is sims are different and unless pcs get to the point where they can accurately simulate fatigue and minimal differences in track conditions everything of these rl elements you add would just be random and an annoyance
much like having to start your engine in nkp is nothing more than annoying and adds nothing to the sim and even less to the racing
Quote from Shotglass :they can accurately simulate fatigue

Oh don't tell me about driver fatigue like that - LFS had driver fatigue. It's when you are about to fall asleep at the wheel. Ask the 1 man entries in thr 24h of Kyoto about that one

If you want a stuff where - for example - the screen goes white when someone is drafting you (to simulate getting psyched out by your opponents - yeah right), that's very SCAR - too SCAR for my liking. Not forgetting the Prince of Persia button or tiger effect as it's called.
Quote from duke_toaster :Oh don't tell me about driver fatigue like that - LFS had driver fatigue. It's when you are about to fall asleep at the wheel. Ask the 1 man entries in thr 24h of Kyoto about that one

*rises his hand*

Yeah you can sleep on the wheel but you are damn slow then ^^ so watch the other cars and drink a lot of energy drinks...

simulate drivers fatigue is not needed!