Police Horn i Dont have to hold down
im a city life guy and i was wondering if anyone had a Siren which i dont have to hold down so i can just press a button and it will keep going till i turn it off.. anyone..

i have downloaded that but i cant figger out how to get it to stay on
#4 - Mc21
press alt when it's open, then shift to turn it off.
when it open,....what do u mean?
When the siren sound is on, click ALT. The click SHIFT to turn it off
It has all the info in the nfo
Done no worries ty
I've got it but i dont know where to save it or anything. HELP!
save it in your LFS main folder..
i am throwin this horn in my sounds folder just so i can hear the siren users on the cops and robbers servers...i get the file in the folder and name it to what the info said...but when i start the game it tells me "Could Not Open sound" i am using Live For Speed Patch 0.5W