The online racing simulator
Restriction Testing (converging classes)
right now a group and i (well... mainly me i guess, they're just testing) are working on converging classes, and right now we're testing LX4 Vs the UF1k

they are pretty close with these settings:
take set for whatever track, (you may have to increase the final drive ratio however)

for LX4
intake restriction 47%
ballast, 100kg (i left mine centered at 50%)

for UF1k
intake restriction of 10%, and i also left the roof off

this was just a quick job, and i want everyone else to get into this so we can mix up the classes more (and better at that)

edit-balancing out with retard AI's, so you will see the values change over the next few minutes
What about a setting to absolutely rape the BF1 to go against the UF1 ?
well... we're trying to be reasonable here

after this i might be able to match the LX6 up with the FZ50 and RAC class better

but right now with this AI testing, those current values are extremely close, here i'll upload the sets

these sets are for Kyoto Grand Prix
Attached files
UF 1000_LX4_ky3.set - 132 B - 286 views
LX4_UF1_ky3.set - 132 B - 1061 views
Haha, glad I'm not the only one messing with this. (So far I've only started attempting to put the RB4 in the same class with the XFG, as I wanted to have a bit of fun with a lower powered AWD for that class' Rallye X) Never thought of anything like the LX-4 to go up against the UF1k though... Sounds interesting.
ooh good idea, i'll work as soon as i can get my computer working again

(Flyakite OSX is screwing up my computer, and after uninstalling it for some reason i can't use add/remove programs and a few other things)
tried out your uf1's vs LX4 round Kyoto Nat, they seem very evenly matched
how do you restrict the intakes? guess i missed that mod
Had a really good single player (restricted LX4) vs ai (UF1) race round Fe Green just now, got me thinking:

a) Less restriction on the AI cars to make them more competitive to race against
b) they are still easy to outbrake so make their brakes comparatively more effective and then you have good, competitive ai to race against for the first time
c) Still need to sort out their bully tactics when it comes to the racing line with no appreciation of your car's presence
d) Restricted class LX4 (novice) races, this poor car (and the LX6) get so little airtime compared to the brilliant close, accessible and well-supported races in the XFG and UF1. Make the restricted LX4's a new novice class for some great on line battles - a bit like the trainer classes in GPL with less HP and less chance to lose control.
This patch and the restriction option has a lot of very interesting possibilities.
XC, If i didnt have to go earlier i would have helped
Just Make the BHP Per Ton The same
it doesn't work like that though

for example, a veyron can have the same BHP to weight ratio as a mazda miata or something.. but either way, the veyron will win

BHP per ton just means you have to get the weight the same too, and some times you can't do that
Quote from XCNuse :for example, a veyron can have the same BHP to weight ratio as a mazda miata or something.. but either way, the veyron will win

You were doing so well until then end. Around twisty circuits it will eat that behometh.
lol well.. you get what i mean, bhp/ton wont make 2 cars really compatible, unless they are exactly the same in every aspect
I tried BF1 versus UF1.

Even with 200kg AND a 50 percent intake restrictor it is still too much for the UF1, I imagine it would work against the RAC or LX4, maybe FXO.
lol we figured it was retarded trying to bring a car with slicks and downforce together with a car which has neither

i've been working on 3d stuff all day (suspension rig, go check it out), but i think i'm gonna take hatemaker's idea and try and match the RB4 to the XF/XR class so people can get an AWD car in that mix, not sure what i'll do about the super tires though, maybe restrict those off too (or i'll give them the supers and make stuff really complicated )
well here it is, these are AI tested only, so i dont know how well these match up, but they should be fairly close

i left the Gti and XR the same, just so that the class will be as fast as it always is (whereas i slowed down the UF1k), and the RB4 is slightly faster down the straights however it is slower due to full weight ballasts in the corners

they are close, but i still think the RB4 is slliiiiightly slower
this set is for BL1
Attached files
XF GTI_BL1_classFRR.set - 132 B - 284 views
XR GT_BL1_classFRR.set - 132 B - 302 views
RB4 GT_BL1_classFRR.set - 132 B - 969 views
These restrictions are going to make for some great league races! I cant wait!
lol, i have been doing the same thing lol. i have the lx4, uf1, xrt, xrg, xfg and rb4 running together. the tbo's are a tiny bit faster on the back straight @ BL but their weight sorts that out in the bendy stuff.
Quote from XCNuse :the RB4 is slightly faster down the straights however it is slower due to full weight ballasts in the corners

so it will always lose at bl1