The online racing simulator
How come you can chance the weight from the front to the rear should this be disabled in HL mode of performance gain?
Excellent New Patch Gonna be great for the leagues....

Have found the following small issues

1) With space reset enabled - it resets damage (changes tyres for fresh and clear all damage)- it should not do this - as you should have to pit to repair damage (this was in Multiplayer)

2) in F9 wheel view (in RB4)- the connections tab now covers the left hand rear wheel so I cant see the outer band temp -

3) False start issues but reported in other posts.
Quote from Widdowmaker :1) With space reset enabled - it resets damage (changes tyres for fresh and clear all damage)- it should not do this - as you should have to pit to repair damage

It does that in Single Player, has been like that always.
Quote from Widdowmaker :1) With space reset enabled - it resets damage (changes tyres for fresh and clear all damage)- it should not do this - as you should have to pit to repair damage

Is this in single player? Cos in single player its always been like this. In multiplayer it obviously should not be so.

EDIT: Apparently there is shorter connection from Finland to the UK than from Estonia.
Is it possible for a admin to give a player IN GAME a FORCED penalty to performance(weight etc?)
No bugs other than the rather amusing selection that have been said before. The BF1 on 50% intake restrictor is the ultimate sheep in wolf's clothing.

What would these global handicaps be? How many KG - and is this track dependant or not? It would be an idea if it was
Quote from geeman1 :It does that in Single Player, has been like that always.

he means in multiplayer coz i also noticed this
its deffinatly multiplayer. (i was there and tested myself). no matter how bad the damage. reset car = clean (multiplayer).

It would be nice if the server could choose balast / intake settings and also for the false start = spectate.. a little too sensitive i think.

Possible bug.. :

If you change track (as in go from BL1 to AS2 or something) and then leave the server without ever actually leaving the entry screen to load the track. you cannot get back into the server (and nobody else can join) untill the server is restarted or the race is joined and started.
#86 - Woz
Quote from rc10racer :How come you can chance the weight from the front to the rear should this be disabled in HL mode of performance gain?

No, you are only moving weight added to the car around. So being able to move this in hotlap mode is no different. You can change any other setting on the car in hotlap mode so why not this?
Space Resetting

Found that if you are on track with resettting enabled - that it will not allow you to reset - due to causing yellow flags - Thats the message I got anyway.

I thought I should raise the fact - that although in the first instance this seemed ideal - Rests are allowed anyway - but it should reset you off the track egde - rather than back on the track.

The scenario - Ive gone through the first chicane at blackwood - hit the barrier and rendered my car undrivable in the center of the exit to the chicane. Reset is enabled - but I cant reset because I will cause yellow flag. SO the next car piles straight into me as I cant move away from the racing line.

If resetting is enabled - why disable it on the racing line?

The above post is not a critisism, it may come across that way - but its asking the question rather than saying its wrong - cheers

in multiplayer, e.g. the fzr car's weight is 1200kilos, but only after adding more than 100kiols extra weight it counts. so you only can add till 1300kilos.



after starting the qualication, you automatically get into spectate mode
MRT moonflight happens with 200kg at 34% and 100% in garage, but not in game, before a hard turn anyway. 200kg at 32% sends it flying straight away.
Awesome stuff, can't wait to try all these new features. Thank you very, very much for this patch!
Nice, tried it on a 28 server and wow racing got alot better
i don't know if its my lack of familiarity with the more powerful rwd cars but I seem to get a huge amount of understeer under braking when entering a corner, far more than before. Maybe the new clutch settings need something dialled back out, or I have to learn to drive better...
Quote from Lautsprecher[NOR] :LFS just crashed when scrolling through the Setup-list. This happened online, Offline worked fine.

If you can reproduce the setup list crash, please can you try to get the crash address? Normally you have to click in the windows message for more info (twice) and there is the crash address.

Quote from detail :On false-start, is it possible to replace force-spec with just a dq? Dissapearing cars in championships would be not a good sight.

In reality, anyone who starts so long before the green light, will immediately hit the brakes then start again when they see the green light. I've never seen a false starter in real life just carry on driving down the middle of the grid or whatever.

Quote from Widdowmaker :1) With space reset enabled - it resets damage (changes tyres for fresh and clear all damage)- it should not do this - as you should have to pit to repair damage (this was in Multiplayer)

No, canreset should be "no" for all hosts except arcade hosts for beginners. This is supposed to be a purely "arcade" option, it fixes damage and takes you out of the gravel, that's good for example if you have LFS set up at a show and the public are using it. For sim racing, canreset should not be switched on at all. I'd prefer not to add a middle option.


Bug reports : Thanks, I've noted them and will have a look in the next couple of days.
Quote from NotAnIllusion :Awesome stuff, can't wait to try all these new features. Thank you very, very much for this patch!

+1, very nice, i love it!
No, canreset should be "no" for all hosts except arcade hosts for beginners. This is supposed to be a purely "arcade" option, it fixes damage and takes you out of the gravel, that's good for example if you have LFS set up at a show and the public are using it. For sim racing, canreset should not be switched on at all. I'd prefer not to add a middle option.

So in all essence then - Space reseting on normal online servers for day to day racing 5 lappers etc/club/league racing - is no longer an option. Thats cool. You roll it and stop on your roof - thats race over.

Fine by me.
Hmmm, was just trying out the false start there and I got one in a race even though I don't think I was moving until the green light. Take a look at the screenshots/replay. Is this a false false start?
Attached images
Attached files
false false start.mpr - 1.2 MB - 338 views

when you are doing drag and you have a false start you can come in 0:04:7x sec to the finish.
lfsw think that you have drove a pb time, but you did it with a false start.
is there a way how we can save this.

i all ready see al the noobs starting with a false start.

srry for bad english, i think you can understand what i mean

Oh great. When STCC updates to this now theres gonna be MORE people lol.

Gonna really screw up the clean drivers XDXD

Jking it sounds like fun though.

I'll wait till the offical patch comes out though *coughpatchXcough*
Quote from zockmachine :bug

in multiplayer, e.g. the fzr car's weight is 1200kilos, but only after adding more than 100kiols extra weight it counts. so you only can add till 1300kilos.

master server handicaps i guess
100 is the min handicap for the fzr or something like that
Quote from al heeley :i don't know if its my lack of familiarity with the more powerful rwd cars but I seem to get a huge amount of understeer under braking when entering a corner, far more than before. Maybe the new clutch settings need something dialled back out, or I have to learn to drive better...

I bet on both of it Sure, braking and setups has to be tuned from locked diff to clutch pack
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Incompatible **TEST** Patch W9
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