The online racing simulator
XFR/UFR League Season 2
(97 posts, started )
Yeah congrats said it wasn`t a UFR track? Liar...
Quote from Richard Torp :Why not show up for the race?? Hallooooooooooo .
If you cant join the race please tell us about it. We could then invite some other people!!!!! Why did you sign up in first place?? Hallooooooo

Bo had a very good reason (edit: and a few others), but what are the reason for the rest? We were 20 drivers at the deadline. I think it was 12 who showed up tonight!!

I explained my reason when I signed up, ISP trouble that should have been sorted long before now and would've been but for the ineptitiude of my ISP
Was fun just like it always is. Didn't have such a great race, really bad choice of tires and fuel left my car feeling like a '62 Caddy Coupe.

See yah all next week.
#54 - vtx
Qualy was great, in the races I had bad luck with the crashes in front of me.

Next week more luck I hope

And please lets just start @ 20:00, everyone knows that we'll start then and I hurried to make it, and had to do some stuff afterwards. So if you want to race, please be there in time!
hey guys. i was just wondering how much longer untill signups are open again. i always miss signups for leagues.
Quote from Richard Torp :Yeah congrats said it wasn`t a UFR track? Liar...

I just had so much luck. I didn't change tyres, so I won like 9-10 seconds in the pits. I must say, I was praying the last couple of laps bcuzz the tyres were really worn out. Lucky enough no flat tyre. Thx all and see y'all next Thursday

Wtf. I missed last race on 10th, didnt get a email saying i got a race?

Oh well. here is the next race.
so is the race at 4 pm eastern time?
Ok I deleted the password for the server by accident......can someone please send it to me.
Use my E-mail or LFS Message center...see yah at the track.
Just to let you know that I might not be there tonight. I have alot of sorting out to do ( with regards to the weekend's show ) so I might have to miss this event.

Sorry Kalle
Hey Bo.
Hey Bo you asked about the lap 1 hit in sprint. Take a look at this didn't realize Three Jumps name actually meant he can jump cars....went right under him. Had you right in my crosshairs..tale a look

See yahs next week.
lol ...yep... what a disaster.

- Sorry that I blamed u for the hit, - I just noticed that it was a blueish UFR.

...shaaaame ooon uuuu guuundeeee...

arh... its okay. -forgiven and forgotten. - halleluja.

cu next time.

I am so sorry bo! I was just on the way to the pits when i crashed into you. Sorry about that.
That was not my day – next time i will not push so hard

See you on track
Hehe Gab. you didn`t like the last chicane...

My pitstrategy and the save of my tyres gave me a 4 th. place... in the UFR..

3j was way ahead of me..

Next season ill choose the XFR...UFR is too slow with me behind the wheel..

Thx Kalle for making these races..
thx for letting me win the qual, the sprint and the main race....

Quote from three_jump :thx for letting me win the qual, the sprint and the main race....


That was only because im driving the KNOW that mister...
its not fair... i paced myself so well that my tires were almost cold and had almost no wear by the lap 17 and when i start pushing hard i flip over... i kept reminding myself to be carefull on last corner but i didnt remind myself on lap 18.. i also crashed directly into a wall few laps before that but got no suspension damage.

i was hoping to hold onto 2nd but of course i have to let myself down...

It was nice racing with some clean and skilled drivers for a change... i just cant believe i flipped....

good racing anyways... but i feel soo bad... I cant imagine how bad Peter SOlberg felt when he hit the kangaroo in austrailia.....
someone shoot me plz:weeping:
#72 - vtx
I should have choosen r3 for mainrace, but nevertheless it was a great race
I need a calculator

was a great race, had a lot of fun and it was a very close race with richard

Brilliant races tonight,
lots of close and fair racing.
-and what about those photofinishes, both in sprint and main.
Kalle showed me some of he's wrestling techniques across the finishline.

-enjoyed every minut.

I felt sorry for Gab. - I had 1. class ticket to see his flip,
and I was very close to crash too because I thoose the wrong way around him.

cu next race

XFR/UFR League Season 2
(97 posts, started )