Long before LFS took over my life I was an active member of a forum called Soar, that was dedicated to bolting on clever bits of software onto Micro$oft flight sim in order to recreate cross-country gliding competitions with thermals, varios, off-line race courses, etc. Great for me as an old glider pilot.
Now I see there are 2 competing bits of software addressing this exact sport; Silent Wings and Condor, with accurate thermals and task setting, good flight physics but somewhat disparate graphics. Does anyone here with a Flight sim interest and especially gliding have any knowledge of these 2 progs?
Which one is the best to spend the money on?
Now I see there are 2 competing bits of software addressing this exact sport; Silent Wings and Condor, with accurate thermals and task setting, good flight physics but somewhat disparate graphics. Does anyone here with a Flight sim interest and especially gliding have any knowledge of these 2 progs?
Which one is the best to spend the money on?