Test Patch W9 suggestion
(16 posts, started )
Test Patch W9 suggestion
Hi i was trying out the new test patch in 500servers and i must say its looking great.

I was just wondering if we could have a separate connections list for
- Racers
- Spectators

because 48 names on the list can be confusing
Grouping the list would make it clearer too. Racers at the bottom and spectators on the top for example.
The best would be one list with two tabs at the top wich switches between connections and racers

and what about a list of car positions on the track, alongside the list of race positions which we have right now. in a long race there are cars all over the track and not in race position order, it may be a bit difficult to know whose car you are following etc, so a list of car positions on the track would be handy. it's possible to do this through insim now, but it'd be better if lfs has this feature built in.
#6 - CSU1
Quote from Arrow. :Hi i was trying out the new test patch in 500servers and i must say its looking great.

I was just wondering if we could have a separate connections list for
- Racers
- Spectators

because 48 names on the list can be confusing

+1 , hehe I was not thinking clearly the other night and thought I seen 36 cars flying around the track, and made a tit of myself on forum to boot
#7 - joen
+1, maybe it could be a seperate setting to show/hide spectators by pressing "n"
Definitely agree, just thought the same yesterday
+1, good suggestion
#10 - wark
+1 Maybe so you can see who's in the pits, too.
Definitely +1, once the list is so big, it needs some kind of filtering. I like tabbed list idea the most.
+2 What about like when you hit N, you get a menu screen with W and S, SS etc. Why not at the top of the menu have tabs for Lap, Position, etc. So when hit the tabs the lay out changes slightly. I think Spectator and Racers should be in the same window but separated by there headings.

P1 CrazyFast
P2 AwesomeSpeed
P3 Winner
P4 Lapinator
P5 GoGoGadget

L13 CrazyFast
L13 AwesomeSpeed
L15 Winner
L16 Lapinator
L23 GoGoGadget
+1 but nothing too fancy
+1 I rekon a tab on the connections list to show the racers/spectators seperately would be very useful for admins.
I think the system is quite clear already, those who are racing have the W/Kn/M button next to them and those who haven't are spectating.

If the connections list is changed I'd like that the devs changed the finishing list to support multiclass racing. Like having two scoreboards for TBOs and LRFs for example. Or even three. If the car classes get properly balanced, it should be fairly easy to add a new button to enable/disable multi-class scoreboards. With disabled, only one winner and with enabled, many winners if more than one car class is allowed.
+1 for grouping

Test Patch W9 suggestion
(16 posts, started )