The online racing simulator
Drag Road Racing Layout
(12 posts, started )
Drag Road Racing Layout
A road racing layout for the 8 lane drag track.
Quote from the server I had it on:
"Its a mint idea. Gives us something fresh and new to do"

My top is 40.41 in the FXR
Attached files
AU3_DragRoadRace.lyt - 1.2 KB - 491 views
Quote from [RCG]Boosted :wth is that?
but id like to have some pics

Download the layout and take pics yourself lazy bastard
lolz. I'll take a picture later!

EDIT: The pics are here!
Check out......The Drag Strip Road Racing Layout!
Attached images
#6 - nihil
Yeah, that little return road can be quite fun, but to be honest I prefer djgizmo68's layout for it:

I like the idea of adding the flat out straight however, and by way of improvements it'd be nice to have something that more clearly delineates that first hairpin. I've only had a couple of bashes at it, but I found the environment a bit bare and was struggling to find markers to use as brake or turn in points (EDIT: Actually, the problem is more that the barriers are the same colour on either side of the road, so the entrance is camouflaged)
Is that a post that isn't about this topic!
Hey, before you post DeathRacer, learn to post ON TOPIC
Not just about things that you want answers for....
Nowhere. You cant use layouts without a licence.
Quote from zeugnimod :Nowhere. You cant use layouts without a licence.

and why would he be worrying about the XRR anyways?
Quote from deathracer1923 :just curious ...
is it harder to conrtol the XRR than it is to control the XRT being the XRR would have more power than the XRT and both being Rwd....i have trouble controlling the XRT as it is

Control comes with practice. This is useless to you, as you dont have the track you need. You save the lyt file in the layout folder located in the data file in you lfs folder.
lol i'm a bad typer. this is a very good layout. hard to drive cleanly in the FXR.
The XRR is easier to control than the XRT because of the downforce settings that you can adjust to easily change the handling of the car. The XRR is not very competive with the other cars in its class though because the FXR and the FZR are both a little faster.

(I read his posts and he hasn't said anything that would lead me to beleive he has actually used anything unlockable )

Drag Road Racing Layout
(12 posts, started )