The online racing simulator
What do i need to have for skinning?
What do i need to get to begin skinning? and is it very difficult?
Because i've never done anything like it before..
all you need is a paint program; paint shop pro 8/9 or photoshop or anything will do good (besides MSPaint)
and you'll need the default skins which come with LFS, they will be in the data/skins folder (white) just pick the car you want, mess around with painting and whatnot, and look at it in cmx viewer
cant really say anything is 'hard' when it comes to computers; confusing or stuck or dont know how to do something possibly, but nothing can be 'hard' on a computer
Quote from XCNuse :...but nothing can be 'hard' on a computer

So i just need to open some files in the data folders in Photoshop for example then? and when i´am done i´ll just save them again?

I really would appricate if someone could take the time to write a little "step by step" guide to open and edit files so i can change the skins of some cars...
Quote from joshdifabio :

physically no.. lol
that is unless your that mad your kicking and throwing it; but by then its not really a computer anymore, then it just becomes a very expensive soccer(football)
Where do i put the file when i'am finished editing it in Photoshop?
In the LFS\data\skins folder, saved as a jpg, with the correct file name, such as FO8_skinname.jpg. Have fun making LOTs of skins.

You may find the CMX viewer (on the site) may help you quickly view skins to see how they look.
yeah with the main exe you gotta restart it often, set the viewer to auto reload and you just alt-tab after saving. easy

psp is probably the easiest to use/get hold of.

good tip. use the magic wand to select as much white as you can then invert the selection, and you've got a mask for all the wheels and bits. handy for not making a mess.