any1 like rock/metal/emo/hardcore?
(86 posts, started )
Quote from thisnameistaken :Luckily for me, metal isn't the only style of pop music [...]

FYI, Metal isn't pop... Never intended to be, never will intend to be... Yeah, it got a bit more attention in the last years (mainly trough nu-metal), but it's still not "pop"...
Depends if thisnameistaken meant just pop as a genre or popular music.
there is also a german monk who sings black metal...... if its all about death etc whats he doing then?
Quote from MAGGOT :I HATE emo with a burning passion. Something about a bunch of whiney little tards on stage who haven't hit puberty yet, complaining about how their lives suck and no one will go to the harvest moon dance with them. Pathetic.


Perfect description!!!! keep it like that, or better!!!
I just went through my CDs and it seems I have few CDs from bands that have interesting names:
Rotting christ
Black Dahlia murder
Failed humanity
Raise hell

And last but not least: Hypocrisy
Ok... Its been bugging me for a while ... WTF is "Forest Metal"? Not that anyone here has mentioned it. Just thought you might know....
its the stuff that the birds, wolves and bears play
Quote from SLIDE WAYZ :its the stuff that the birds, wolves and bears play

I thought it was reggae the animals were playing
Quote from nihil :Ok... Its been bugging me for a while ... WTF is "Forest Metal"? Not that anyone here has mentioned it. Just thought you might know....

Sounds like an alternative description of Viking or Troll Metal, that sort of stuff. Combining black metal with traditional instruments and more progressive song structures. A form of black-folk hybrid. It sounds weird at first but it's often catchy and I keep listening to it...
Woodpecker blastbeats ftw!
Is that what "Elvenking" plays then? If so... awesomeness. Elvenking are sick.
Quote from Bob Smith :Sounds like an alternative description of Viking or Troll Metal

Quote from MAGGOT :Elvenking are sick.

LOL - I just followed a google trail through more sub-species of metal than I thought could exist. Elvenking are a power/folkmetal band apparently, and as well as Viking metal, there's Mittelalter Rock (medieval metal).

The stuff I like is apparently known as drone metal: SunnO))), Boris...
What about 3 Inches of Blood? They'd be like Medieval Power Metal... or something. Speaking of which, I'm going to go check the status of their new album. Can't wait for that one!
Quote from nihil :Mittelalter Rock

It seems you found an article about In Extremo then. I prefer their later (folk-metal) albums, although I'm still not totally convinced the bagpipes fit.
I love the bagpipes Granted I've only heard 3 of their songs (Sagradar Trobar, Nymphenzeit and a third that I completely forget the name to.. it was a longer name...).

They're German, right? On that note, does anyone here like Die Apokalyptischen Reiter?
I don't mean to keep banging on about it, but the mere fact that a genre known as medieval troll metal exists kind-of proves my point from the other day.
You're just jealous that you don't like this sweet death-daemonic-troll music. :P
Quote from SLIDE WAYZ :

ive not heard 1 metal song that sings about valhalla, pixies or elfs...

Immigrant Song, Led Zeppelin!

As for Metal/Rock, I hate to sound patronising, but most of you weren't even born when 'metal' was first being created...
I am talking about the true Rock Gods of the late 60's/early 70' many of you can name a group that contained Eric Clapton AND Jimmy Page?
Who can tell me who Eddie Clayton is/was?
Who was responsible for 'naming' Led Zeppelin?

My point is, what passes as 'metal' these days is just a cheap rip-off of the originals..
I cant think of ANY recent bands that are in the same league as Zepp/Floyd/Purple/Sabbath etc!

(thus speaketh the old fart! )
I thought Iron Butterfly were the band who started the "metal" moniker? I'm not old enough to know either (honest!) but that's what I'd heard.

FTR: I do like some heavy music. Mudhoney are still a favourite. Call them grunge all you like but they would out-rockstar any modern metal band.
Quote from Bladerunner many of you can name a group that contained Eric Clapton AND Jimmy Page?

I cant think of ANY recent bands that are in the same league as Zepp/Floyd/Purple/Sabbath etc!

The Yardbirds

And your right on the second point too
I'm not that old..but i do remember when metal was metal and it wasn't divided up into 2000 sub genres.

@..thisnameistaken... yesterday i was spoiling for a fight....i chilled out today and happily concede that your 90% right that's all I'm giving you though. System Of A Down are one of the bands that write stuff that's not about pixies/death/D+D etc , I like a bit of politics in my music

here speaketh the rapidly ageing oldish fart.
Not sure about the Eddie Clayton, i must confess

Im going to go for Keith Moon on the second one, though that could just be a myth/a dream i had/completely wrong, but i did take far to many drugs for far too long and my brain isn't what it used to be. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it
Quote from The Moose :Not sure about the Eddie Clayton, i must confess

Im going to go for Keith Moon on the second one, though that could just be a myth/a dream i had/completely wrong, but i did take far to many drugs for far too long and my brain isn't what it used to be. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it got Keith Moon correct too..It was at a party where John Bonzo Bonham was telling him about his new band...and Keith Moon allegedly said..'It'll sink like a lead balloon'....and the rest, as they say, is history!

As for Eddie Clayton...pick up a copy of The 'White' Album by The Beatles, and hidden in the credits is the 'guest' guitarist who played alongside George Harrison on 'While My Guitar Gently Weeps'.
It is listed as Eddie Clayton BECAUSE George wanted his best mate Eric Clapton to play, but Eric's recording company refused permission for him to appear, so this mysterious 'session' musician stepped in instead...
It is strange that the initials are the same, and if you listen to the track, you will hear the unmistakeable fingers of Eric Clapton at work

Also, did you know that Derek and the Dominoes (Layla) was the result of a bet?

(better give up now, don't want people thinking I'm a Clapton fanatic! )
Well you learn something every day ... I cant count the amount of times I've listened to The White Album, but i never made that connection.

Nice one..more rock trivia to amaze(or bore) my friends with
Quote from Bladerunner :Immigrant Song, Led Zeppelin!

As for Metal/Rock, I hate to sound patronising, but most of you weren't even born when 'metal' was first being created...
I am talking about the true Rock Gods of the late 60's/early 70' many of you can name a group that contained Eric Clapton AND Jimmy Page?
Who can tell me who Eddie Clayton is/was?
Who was responsible for 'naming' Led Zeppelin?

My point is, what passes as 'metal' these days is just a cheap rip-off of the originals..

I'm 30 years younger than you but I wouldn't say any of those bands you mentioned are metal (except Sabbath) in todays "genre standards" I think bands should be categorized how they sound and not how they were seen in the 70's where any band that was even slightly extraordinary was seen as Satanism or something (like KISS and so on). Or then I completely lost what you were talking about...

Quote :I cant think of ANY recent bands that are in the same league as Zepp/Floyd/Purple/Sabbath etc!

with this I agree

any1 like rock/metal/emo/hardcore?
(86 posts, started )