Hope these help:
Make sure you brake enough before the corner, you don't want to be scrubbing off speed with the front wheels (like you can with a formula car). I try to always make sure I'm either on the brake, or throttle, no dead zone (where there's no throttle or brake).
Try to get as little as tire scrub as you can.. be smooth on the wheel and don't jerk also use as little as lock possible. This will allow you to hold more corner speed, providing you brake early enough.
Run as little fuel as possible (to get you round the track of course :P).
Always look where you want to go (at the apex, unless you're aiming for another racers car lol, which we hope you don't
Try not to stress, relax when you drive, when you see a fast split don't think 'this could be a 33.0 or whatever, think, wow I wonder how fast I can go with this split, without over-driving you'll probably beat the time you expected).
Try not to use too much of the track, have a wide entry, late apex, and relatively tight exit, don't want to run too wide and lose time, you also don't want to run too tight and lose km/h (mp/h).
I picked up 0.1 sec using manual clutch with no blip. Maybe you could try that.
Try those tips for the moment.. Hopefully that will helped you!
Good luck