The online racing simulator
#1 - Koopa
I would like an explaination for this BUG or crash or whatever it was.
Ello devvvssss

Right yesterday i was racing in the Simfia DTM Series, and ive had an abnormal crash.

NO lag or anything else, it was like i hit a manhole cover like in the real DTM series in China lately.

Just check this link out... And let me remind you there wasnt lagg...

Anyone got a explaination for this weirdo...

SOOO strange, i mean i spun on that left hander in front of this corner nothing special no damage, then i got back on the track started accelerating and suddenly i was flying skyhigh...

Got a replay for the devvs if they would like, contact me on MSN
#2 - Jakg
what the smeg?!

Ah wait, VTAK kicked in y0!
I had seen that bug before, as you say it wasn´t in lag, it´s too weird. Let me make a vid...
Well i was lagging badly that day but i was waaay in front of mr Hut..maybe my lost packet or something stuck in there :P i dunno
LOL thats awesome! It looks like someone has put "The Force" from starwars in their gastank and the exaust caused you to crash
That is one crazy bug