Your text is really complicate
I don´t know what filur means with speed, but I think it´s the line speed. A max speed should also be for the whole race not for every lap.
split and finish line speed is a good indicator for your driving skills.wich has been said by some racers after I added it.
Default should be a MSHT format but I understand the "need" of only one number because it´s much easier to work with it if you don´t only want to write the time out.
EDIT: @filur Yes thats right. Because of this we everytime write the 0. But if it comes its far in the future. Also we could write it in thousands, but in the race time it would be very high and much higher then unsigned integer
Your text is really complicate

I don´t know what filur means with speed, but I think it´s the line speed. A max speed should also be for the whole race not for every lap.
split and finish line speed is a good indicator for your driving skills.wich has been said by some racers after I added it.
Default should be a MSHT format but I understand the "need" of only one number because it´s much easier to work with it if you don´t only want to write the time out.
EDIT: @filur Yes thats right. Because of this we everytime write the 0. But if it comes its far in the future. Also we could write it in thousands, but in the race time it would be very high and much higher then unsigned integer