The online racing simulator
[program] skins_x cleaner
(11 posts, started )
[program] skins_x cleaner
Objects in my skins_x folder : 5626

Obects in 512x512 : Approx. 5392

Time to delete 512s : A lot of Time

Solution : Cleaning program? Why not, it would really simplify our life to run a little application where you select "Delete 512s" and it deletes all the low res skin. Just an idea but I hope I'm not the only one who wishes that
only to re-download again when you enter a server
time to delete, open folder, control a, delete

Also, a skin cleaner wouldn't do anything, becuase it still has to write to the hard disk that said file no longer exists.
1. toughen up and delete all those private skins the ol' fashioned way
2. turn skin download to manual, then you can choose whether to grab them in the first place
3. have a pop tart to celebrate your new-found HDD space
#5 - Jakg
Quote from Riders Motion :Time to delete 512s : A lot of Time

Not that long actually

I have 1.08 GB of Skins, 8,825 files - but then EVERY skin i see on the forum gets saved in my Skins_X folder
#6 - dev
I had around 4.5 GB of skins before I made a fresh install of LFS
No need for a clean up app.

Get an image viewer like ACDSee - sort by image size (resolution) and delete. Simple and fast - probably even faster than a task specific clean up application
#8 - amp88
Should be pretty self-explanatory and has been tested fairly thoroughly. Written in Java (yes, that's what a university education gets you in Scotland), so you'll need a JRE installed for it to work.

Unzip the archive and double click on "Run Skins_X Cleaner.bat" to start the program.

This software comes with no warranties of any kind.

By installing this software you agree that you do so at at your own risk
and you accept full responsibility for any damage caused by the use or
installation of the software.

I can not accept any responsibility whatsoever for personal injury or death that may arise during the use of the software, or any damage of any kind to your system including corrupted files, lost data or damage to hardware.

Attached files
SkinsX - 7.6 KB - 138 views
#9 - Jakg
Quote from amp88 :I can not accept any responsibility whatsoever for personal injury or death that may arise during the use of the software

I guess the major reason skins aren't deleted is to save bandwidth on LFS World, doesn't make sense to delete it only to re-download it.

I've had S2 installed since the day it was released and have never wiped my skins_x folder clean and it only weighs 361MB. Considering LFS is only what, 250-300mbs on it's own it still comes in a lot smaller than most modern titles.

[program] skins_x cleaner
(11 posts, started )