The online racing simulator
LFS User Account Name: Davecrossy14
[/COLOR] LFS Racer Name: ATC Evopower
[/COLOR] Team: ATC Team Mini
Race Number: 70
LFS User Account Name santaclaws
LFS Racer Name PBR santaclaws
LFS Team Piston Broke Racing (
race number 999
LFS User Account: JamieB
LFS Racer Name: yfb.JamieB
Team: LFS Racing
Number: 3

JamieB yfb.JamieB yfb LFS Racing 3
Ignore post, found out that the times the races are on, I won't be availiable around to race. .
#55 - Dru
Quote from BigDave2967 :Ignore post, found out that the times the races are on, I won't be availiable around to race. .

Thats a shame mate, you would have been a good addition to the league.
LFS User Account Name Tongey
LFS Racer Name [SR] Tongey
Team (if racing in a team) Sonicrealms Racing
Race Number 03

Sounds great, count me in Dru!
Welcome on board, tongeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey!


der funnybutz
#58 - Dru
Quote from tongey :LFS User Account Name Tongey
LFS Racer Name [SR] Tongey
Team (if racing in a team) Sonicrealms Racing
Race Number 03

Sounds great, count me in Dru!

Hey Tongey,

I've signed you up - will you be having a Team mate join as well?

Also, sorry by the number 3 has already been taken, if you look at the first post it'll show you what numbers people have taken, unless you want 03 but thats a little too close to 3 for my liking
Thanx Butz, greetz to you too

@Dru - sorry dude, just gave my SR race number

Allocate me a number, I dont mind...use the force

I will have a team mate joining - member TBC
#60 - Dru
No worries Tongey, I've added a space for him

Let me know his number and details as and when and i'll assign you a number accordingly.


We know have 40 signed up for the league, I will leave sign up open for 5 more days (until end of Monday) and then issue the requirements for organising us into two divisions.
will teams be kept together with teams in one league and independants in the other???
#62 - Dru
Quote from Dr Dink :will teams be kept together with teams in one league and independants in the other???

will be discussing that today and putting a pole up together on this forum to establish the way to go.

Post will be up later

LFS User Account Name philipac
LFS Racer Name Philip
Race Number 321


LFS User Account Name : atomant
LFS Racer name : (NASSA) Ant
Team : NASSA
Race # 316

my racer name is down as 11SuLLy11
could that e changed to [HR] SuLLy IRL
i also want to be in this org..

lfs account and username : sinko
race num: 213
Last day for sign up...... looking forward to the League arrangments. Will we have to submit League skins for each team????
#68 - Dru
There is a seperate post which includes a number banner template that has to be used, put two of them on your car and add your race number.

There is a seperate post also telling you where you can send the hi res skins through to so that people can put them onto there own folders as well.

Just informing you guys that from now on,my racername is Zero.
That's it.
doh i have been on holiday and totally missed this, i registered intrest in the original thread, is there a tiny chance i could still be allowed a chance to qualify/compete?

LFS User Account Name : dynofiend
LFS Racer name : dynofiend
Team :
Race # 106
Quote from Thunderhead :Just informing you guys that from now on,my racername is Zero.
That's it.

Ok, I've changed it in the list.

Quote from dynofiend :doh i have been on holiday and totally missed this, i registered intrest in the original thread, is there a tiny chance i could still be allowed a chance to qualify/compete?

Sure, I checked your stats and it's looking good, I'll add you to the list.
#72 - Dru
Quote from dynofiend :doh i have been on holiday and totally missed this, i registered intrest in the original thread, is there a tiny chance i could still be allowed a chance to qualify/compete?

LFS User Account Name : dynofiend
LFS Racer name : dynofiend
Team :
Race # 106

Yup Like Mikey_G has answered, get a HL of SO Town in to the [email protected] with your username and your in with a shout

Best Regards,

Hey!! I have switch team from [360-R] to [SR]
So plis switch it..
Quote from Tomhah :Hey!! I have switch team from [360-R] to [SR]
So plis switch it..

K, it's switched
Lfs Username: harjun
Lfs Racer Name: HARJUN
Lfs Team: - (none)
Number: 28