The online racing simulator
Aston Club (FOX)
(14 posts, started )
Aston Club (FOX)
Hmm atm im running around 1.05.000, ive got the car setup pretty good, I just need more down the main straight. Pulling around 130, and its a strugle to get there. Ive seen people pull like 1.02.000 and they are all doing around 140 down the main straight. Ive tried the setup on Setupfield but it wasnt all that, was running slower times.

Anybody got a good gear ratio for the FOX on Aston Club?
Maybe they just have a better chicane exit? Of course tyre pressure and wing angle also make a difference. Regarding the gear ratios, I'd just copy them from the WR sets.
Quote from AndroidXP :Regarding the gear ratios, I'd just copy them from the WR sets.

Although you might find them a bit too tall if you're 3 seconds off the pace. If you change just the final drive you can adjust for that.
Hmm yea, I have tweaked the wings and also ride hight, which has gave me abit of speed but still not enough. Ive the my tyres pretty low, might bump them up abit to see if it makes a difference.

What do you mean by the WR sets?
Just download a setup from here. These are usually world record or very good setups, though they might not fit your driving style. But there's no harm in copying certain parts from them, like the gear ratios for example. Of course what Gentlefoot said is also right, you might have to adjust the final drive ratio a bit, so the gears aren't too low.
Ok I might try them again in a min.

As for now, I gave it a little less downforce, changed the PSI to around 20 all round, instead of 15. I was faster, but didnt get heat into the tyres till a few laps in. So I changed the tyres to R1's and now have the grip back. Now pulling around 140 on the straight and I just ran a low 1.04, and that was with messing up on the last bend.

Few more tweaks and it should be good.

Quote from Adampell :Ok I might try them again in a min.

As for now, I gave it a little less downforce, changed the PSI to around 20 all round, instead of 15. I was faster, but didnt get heat into the tyres till a few laps in. So I changed the tyres to R1's and now have the grip back. Now pulling around 140 on the straight and I just ran a low 1.04, and that was with messing up on the last bend.

Few more tweaks and it should be good.

Good work m8 - keep at it and you'll be in the 1:03s.
Yep, just pulled a 1.03
#9 - Gizz
without looking at it its hard to tell but 9x out of ten people use wat to mutch airo and push to one side the mecanical grip of the setup, i did a few laps with that combo last night for the first time and was getting low 1.2's still not hooking up in the final corner but handles like a dream and ive next to none airo , personly i only use airo as a last resort when im building a set, makes you squeeze every last drop of mechanical grip then.. but if your hitting 1.3 now you should be able to pull tha back witha little tweaking and just coarse practice..
Personally I don't believe you can separate aero and mechanical setup like that. The two have to work together. Some tracks require higher aero than others. Some corners require a different aero or mechanical balance.

So to set a car up without aero and then add in the downforce for me just doesn't work. Especially when you consider that with high aero you need much stiffer springs.
If you're only getting 130mph down the main straight you're seriously lacking top speed. You should be hitting at least 135 and preferably 140+. Try and concentrate on making good exits from the two hairpins, especially the last one onto the main straight. The faster your exit the more speed you'll carry all the way down the next straight. The chicane before the first split should be flat, but it can take a bit of time to build up to it. I can't remember how long it took me to manage it flat, but it was quite satisfying to finally do it. Try using the inside kerb on the left hander to pull you round it. Once you've done it a few times you'll be able to do it no problem. Another thing is to try not to lock up your right front under braking for the last turn too much. If you keep locking it you'll be in danger of puncturing it, especially if you're racing at Redline on 8 or more lap races. Anyway, I've attached a replay of a few laps (not my smoothest run, but hopefully you'll be able to take something from it). Watching WR replays can be a bit daunting because they're basically perfect, but I'm sure you won't be daunted by watching mine. I've also attached the set I normally use. At the moment it's got 3/4 wing, but you might want to try 4/6 for a while because 3/4 is a bit harder to drive.

Anyway, good luck and keep at it
Attached files
amp88_AS2_FOX_10092.spr - 82.4 KB - 269 views
FORMULA XR_as2 250lm optim.set - 132 B - 385 views
Ahh thanks alot mate! Will take alook at them in a minute.

Yea, been doing my testing on the RedLine servers, that where I pulled my fastest time aswell
#13 - Gizz
Quote from Gentlefoot :Personally I don't believe you can separate aero and mechanical setup like that. The two have to work together. Some tracks require higher aero than others. Some corners require a different aero or mechanical balance.

So to set a car up without aero and then add in the downforce for me just doesn't work. Especially when you consider that with high aero you need much stiffer springs.

i completly agree G-F and that is the problem, way to many people wollop on the downforce to hold the track, and then build the set from there, hence they eat tires and are generaly a pain to lap quickly, alll i was trying to say was IMO you should try and get every ounce of machanical grip out of the car before saying STUFF IT and pilling on the DF ... but i do agree with ya...
I have been spending alot of time on the RR server also with the FOX. I origionally had the WR setup and got down to 103's, struggleing to get any better. I eventually got a new COMPLEATLY different setup. This setup was so different I had problems staying on the track at first. I had Capt James T Kirk coach me for a while and gave me a few good pointers to my problems. He told me to down-shift much faster then I was, this helped alot with the car being more stable in the corners for me. Another thing was in the chicane I was not initially turning in hard enough, this caused me to have to let off the throttle a bit to be able to make the corner. Now that I turn in hard the car is already accelerating comming out of the right hand turn. I went from 33+ split times to 32.60's with this alone, HUGE improvement.

I went from 103+ to 101.46 with a new setup and some pointers from another driver. I guess I have a different style then the WR driver.

One thing I have to continually remind myself...

Slow In, Fast out!

So much fun!

Aston Club (FOX)
(14 posts, started )