The online racing simulator
Organized wreckers
(29 posts, started )
Organized wreckers
No names or links for now.
Considering the implicit fairplay to any public game, and that specific to racing, and the explicit blurb in LFS when you first go online.

And considering the explicit policies of
Quote :CJB Management, Inc. provides CJB.NET subject to your compliance with the terms and conditions below. By using CJB.NET, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions below. If you do not wish to be bound by these terms and conditions, you may not use CJB.NET.
CJB.NET may only be used for lawful purposes. Any use of CJB.NET which violates any local, state, federal, or international laws which may apply to CJB Management, Inc., your local jurisdiction, or any jurisdiction that you may be subject to, or is in violation of any contractual provision by which you are bound is strictly prohibited.

CJB.NET may not be used for [...] any material that is threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, invasive of privacy or publicity rights, vulgar, obscene, profane, indecent, or otherwise objectionable [...]

You agree to adhere to our policies and to abide by any and all future CJB Management, Inc. decisions. In the event that you, or a third party acting on your behalf, violate any of the terms and conditions in this agreement, you agree to pay CJB Management, Inc. $500.00 USD, or CJB Management, Inc.'s actual damages, whichever is greater.

The second paragraph of the quote is mentionned because IIRC ISP's have certain rules about abusive use via their internet service.

Considering they're a pain in the ass, isn't it worth reporting to
[email protected]?
#2 - axus
Well you can try... Nothing bad can really happen if you do.
i havent seen this in s2. i was gangbanged by a team once but i assumed all the bumping was not on purpose.

one time in the demo though, a bunch of wreckers made a baricade at turn one, and would use attack formations on me... made for an interesting race since they were too slow to keep up with me.
I guess you mean the idiot team? Report them at will.
Quote from Gabkicks :i havent seen this in s2. i was gangbanged by a team once but i assumed all the bumping was not on purpose.

one time in the demo though, a bunch of wreckers made a baricade at turn one, and would use attack formations on me... made for an interesting race since they were too slow to keep up with me.

LOL im with u there i see wreckers as a simply moving chicanes
Quote from Gabkicks :
one time in the demo though, a bunch of wreckers made a baricade at turn one, and would use attack formations on me... made for an interesting race since they were too slow to keep up with me.

I've NEVER met a wrecker faster than me, or most others i was racing, they've either got to have a weight in numbers or they just pick off cars one at a time. 1337 5K1LL2 and all that
[email protected]

I just emailed them anyway, I dont think they are actually breaking the policy though....
When I come across the occasional wrecker, I even challenge them. Theres nothing better (or 1337er, j0!!!one1) than winning a 8 lap race with a wrecker trying to exclusively wreck you

Still, most wreckers get fed up with this after one or two races and start again to wreck everyone else. Thats the point when I strike back and try to block the wrecker, allowing the others to race as cleanly as possible. Quite fun
Quote from ColeusRattus :When I come across the occasional wrecker, I even challenge them. Theres nothing better (or 1337er, j0!!!one1) than winning a 8 lap race with a wrecker trying to exclusively wreck you

Still, most wreckers get fed up with this after one or two races and start again to wreck everyone else. Thats the point when I strike back and try to block the wrecker, allowing the others to race as cleanly as possible. Quite fun

is that a variation of the game we all used to play back in s1 when bored (Cops and Robbers) but this one is called Wreckers and Dodgers
Yep, once there was a wrecker who continously kicked me and my fellow opponent out of the track... Just till I stroke back and kicked him out when he was planning to do another move on my opponent... Lost the race, but the wrecker never hit us again, was even too stupid for that...
I just thought of an idea to maybe combat these wreckers and put them off. In the demo version of LFS it could record IPs so you could do the command Ctrl + Shift so that maybe we could send in replays to the devs who could in turn see if its a real wrecker and ban them from connecting to the master server. This would be a deterrent but of course it requires the wrecker having a static IP :s

I would say it definately falls into the "otherwise objectionable" category, but there isn't much that wouldn't fall into that category. I doubt they would do anything though. Unless they fancy their chances of getting that $500.
I told mafia what i did think of him. I told him to go into madhouse
Quote from Breizh :Considering they're a pain in the ass, isn't it worth reporting to [email protected]?

You could report them, but how do you know that the wreckers in question use
i usually just fire them until they leave or everytime they try to wreck me i just avoid it. its fun!
Scirocco I PMed you an url.
I've got a few replays of s2 licenced drivers wrecking. is there any way to get them banned permanently from lfs?
Personally, i don't approve of this naming and blaming thing.

Most of the time, the people being named are only seeking attention
ANYWAYS, or it's an 'innocent' person who gets accused, or simply
had a bad day. Then there's the fact that some people just can't
stand each other. I find all this very prone to misinformation and can
easily lead to prejudice, but hey, that's just me.

That said, unlike RSC, there's isn't a NoNaming policy here. However,
if you feel someone SHOULD be punished for actions on licensed servers,
then maybe a PM to Victor might be good, else he'll show up here
Yeah, I don't care too much for the blame game either. I have heard
of Griever clans out there though on other types of online games. I wouldn't think they'd shell out any $$$ to mess with people on LFS though.
I dunno. I think it would be interesting to if there was a study of some sort about Organized wreckers and that sort. I mean a "normal" wrecker
is just either frustrated or wanting attention or just a sore loser.
but people that organize just to disrupt games for other people...
Why? Is it a power thing? Maybe they're trying to make a statement?
Yeah I know these people aren't bothering us, but I still think it's worth noting and I see organised grievers becoming more frequent. and maybe
eventually getting to us in licensed servers.
It would be good to have some sort of case study on these sorts of groups
to be prepared and to possibly have remedies for the havoc they can create. (not just wrecking, maybe messing with WRs as well)
I bet chances are they are involved in more than just ruining video games
also, but that just pretty much went waaayy off topic
Fortunately organised wreckers don't stand a chance in S2. Not only would they quickly get banned from all the servers, but they'd probably also get their liscenses revoked.

They're only a "real problem" on the demo servers. No matter if they actually help LFS sell liscenses through their behaviour, it's still intolerable and they should be punished. But then again, it only affects demo players who didn't pay anything for this game, so *improving* their experience is something with a pretty low priority IMO.
I have to thank wreckers for encouraging me to go licensed!!
Hehe, good decision
Quote from AndroidXP :Fortunately organised wreckers don't stand a chance in S2. Not only would they quickly get banned from all the servers, but they'd probably also get their liscenses revoked.

They're only a "real problem" on the demo servers. No matter if they actually help LFS sell liscenses through their behaviour, it's still intolerable and they should be punished. But then again, it only affects demo players who didn't pay anything for this game, so *improving* their experience is something with a pretty low priority IMO.

LOL you gave ma an Idea >

WE go onto the demo servers. find a guy that's actually doing pretty good.... ask him about how they feel about clean racing. Let them race a few laps then kindly advise them if they want to continue to race with out us screwing it up for them, the next time we see him, he better be licensed....
LOL the LFS mafia.

Sorry, they had this commercial for the God Father on tv....
Quote from Kashopi :I have to thank wreckers for encouraging me to go licensed!!

Haha, thats great!

As for wreckers, when i find one, i save replay then leave. Ive yet to find any "organized wreckers" (illepall) on S2 yet.
Quote from AndroidXP :Fortunately organised wreckers don't stand a chance in S2. Not only would they quickly get banned from all the servers, but they'd probably also get their liscenses revoked.

They're only a "real problem" on the demo servers. No matter if they actually help LFS sell liscenses through their behaviour, it's still intolerable and they should be punished. But then again, it only affects demo players who didn't pay anything for this game, so *improving* their experience is something with a pretty low priority IMO.

i would say they probably raced enough times but lost and got so pissed off they just coast into any turn and ramming anyone who is in front of them to pass...any multiplayer race starts on me...i start off until halfway between the start and turn one..i slow down enough until im a slight distance behind the pack...they underestimate their racing lines and i just pick my way through the junkyard and finish off the race scratch wouldnt make anything better if i got hit at sometime in the race from a the end of the race when all of us finish...i locate him on the track and bore into him at full speed...its just the way i fight back at a lousy driver..

Organized wreckers
(29 posts, started )