The online racing simulator
No flying tyres
(44 posts, started )
No flying tyres
These 'soft' tyres barriers placed in some critical chicanes (Aston, Westhill) are so annoying because the tyres are flying around and rolling all over the track when someone hit them. I haven't seen such thing on a race track since the 50's.
One hour ago my car literally lifted off like a plane on one of these tyres and thus ruined my race.

Keep the 'soft' barriers but please, no flying/rolling tyres anymore
Tyres are used at race tracks because they are "soft". You hit them, it will soften the impact.

Its realism....why would you want no tyres walls ect?
Yes, the tyres should be tied down so that they wont fly on impact (or atleast you would need to hit them harder to make them fly)

Quote from Adampell :Tyres are used at race tracks because they are "soft". You hit them, it will soften the impact.

Its realism....why would you want no tyres walls ect?

Placing them like some of the barriers in LFS would be dangerous on a real track. In LFS the tire barriers placed on chicanes are there to prevent cutting (not to slow you down when crashing) because you don't damage your car enough going trough crass or sand, so we need obstacles before proper damage model is finished.
Quote from Adampell :You hit them, it will soften the impact.

Yes but they should be hold by some kind of net, so it'll keep the softness but the tyres won't fly and roll all over the track.
He wants them tethered down so they don't fly out into the track, not get rid of tires all together.

Someone out ahead of you cuts the Aston chicane short and tags the outside tire of the barrier, you had better watch out following shortly because that tire is now spinning out in the middle of the track. This would not happen in real racing (for the most part....)
This reminds me of the incident at Road Atlanta in the 90's; It ended in a car snapped in half, a career-ending injury, and a large lawsuit IIRC. Not a good situation at all. The tires should be tethered down or some other form of softbarrier should be used. The AI should also not plow through the Blackwood barrier lap after lap. God that's annoying...

Wouldn't tires tethered to the ground, or a wall, and/or themselves make for even worse hazards, with the present collision model?
We'd have even worse lawsuits !
Quote from MAGGOT :This reminds me of the incident at Road Atlanta in the 90's; It ended in a car snapped in half, a career-ending injury, and a large lawsuit IIRC. Not a good situation at all. The tires should be tethered down or some other form of softbarrier should be used. The AI should also not plow through the Blackwood barrier lap after lap. God that's annoying...


Jeremy Dale's career was ended in that incident, it was an imsa race and he t-boned another prototype car when it bounced off the tyres, bringing on the track tyres and the car.

Anyways, -1 for me.

They are there for a very valid reason, and when accidents happen, well, its an accident. I'd much rather have the tyres there behaving the way they behave, then to have people cutting every corner.

If anything, they could be changed to the ky style bumps that will damage your suspension.
i dont remember that incident (although i bet i was there, i was at seriously every race at road atlanta through the early 90s)

my dad however said that usually tire barriers are just i dont remember, but they aren't strung together, but they are all connected, so that when they are hit they just fall over, what i do remember him saying about them though is people were told never to stick their faces near the holes or their arms or legs in them because snakes would often live in them after water built up
Yep, this gets my back up on occasion as well. At Aston, yes, but especially at the first chicane at FE Green. On lap 1, just like anywhere else, the whole gaggle tries to squeeze through that turn at once and it only takes one person to knock those tyres onto the track and ruin the race for everyone behind. I've seen people do it on purpose too, the punks

Anyway, it's a "yes" from me, please tether the tyre barriers
-1 from me too.

I've had races ending this way, but I prefer such randomness rather that a static track.

So you disagree with tethering tyres so they don't bounce onto the track and ruin other peoples' races? The OP wants to keep tyres, but keep them tied down or tied to a wall (as in RL) so they absorb impact but remain where they are and don't become a track hazard. I think this is a good suggestion which would both improve races and better reflect reality.

I'm unsure how having "randomness" such as tyres bouncing across the track during a race you're trying to win (or at least finish in one piece) is a good thing. This isn't Mario Kart!

I'm also unsure what is meant by "static track". If it means that barriers stay more or less where they are after impact, as opposed to covering the track with debris, then let's have more static.
I'm guessing by "static track" it is assuming the tires are like a solid object that doesn't move when you hit them. Yes, the tires should still move, should still absorb impact, but should not be flying all over the track creating a hazard to everyone else racing.

Unfortunately, the tire barriers in LFS are not for impact absorption. They are there to prevent people from cutting the corners and cheating.
What would the difference be, between static tire barricades then and red & white barricades now?
I was just racing on asclub with the foxes, was battling for 3rd place working my way up, someone nudged one of the tyres on the fast chicane ahead of me, and it came out onto the track surprising me, i avoided hitting it... but it tagged me on the RR just hard enough to make me spin.

I Loved the experience, its what keeps LFS fresh day in and day out, never the same race twice.
Quote from Hankstar :-1?

So you disagree with tethering tyres so they don't bounce onto the track and ruin other peoples' races?

Yes, -1
And no, I'm not saying we should have more debris (wings etc. from crashed cars would by good though but thats OT :razz.
Quote from RMachucaA :If anything, they could be changed to the ky style bumps that will damage your suspension.

With soft enough setup those bumps there do nothing to prevent cutting... but at least those doesn't cause havok for cars coming behind you. Feels weird how low priority this whole collision detection seems to have on devs' to do list... regarding that it has so huge effect on online play, everytime you touch a tyre or other car there's chance of getting a free flight ticket to moon.
#20 - Gunn
+1 for tethered tyre stacks.
it's realistic that if u crash on tyres they move on.

Do you prefer Rfactor "plastic" tyres?
#23 - Osco
-1 from me..
Why not have the Option to have teathered tires? Add them as an object on the list. This wouldn't really affect anyone who doesn't want them. As they don't have to use them.

+1 from me anyway.
super -1 for me .Tied down tires = more behind tire would slow down car if it also hit the net.No tires = ppll cutting the corner... why not just be happy and keep it there. I personally like dodging tires when they run wild

No flying tyres
(44 posts, started )